Issue - meetings

Meeting: 04/10/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 44)

44 146424 - Land adjacent 51A Washdyke Lane, Nettleham pdf icon PDF 338 KB

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The Chairman introduced the first application of the meeting, item 6(a) application number 146424, seeking outline planning permission (all matters reserved) for the erection of 3 dwellings on land adjacent to 51A Washdyke Lane, Nettleham. The application had been referred to the Committee following the receipt of third party representations including from Nettleham Parish Council, referring to the Neighbourhood Plan policy, and was initially deferred from 12 July 2023 to request for further information on drainage. The Legal Advisor clarified that following the deferral and re-consultation, the decision needed to be centred on the reasons for the deferral, and the new information presented to the Committee as a result.


The Case Officer explained there had been some updates since the report had been published. These focused on the review of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan, which had been submitted for regulation 16 consultation, and also comments received from Nettleham Parish Council. These were specifically relating to drainage maintenance and a request for further soakaway calculations. In addition, it was highlighted that an agreement had been reached to extend the deadline for determination to 6 October 2023. The Officer continued with his presentation of the application, after which the Chairman thanked him for the detail and invited the first of the registered speakers to address the Committee.


Councillor Angela White, Chairman of Nettleham Parish Council, raised the following concerns. She stated that the indicative surface water drainage scheme provided insufficient detail of the drainage design and there were no measurements indicating the size of the soakaways. It was also not clear what design of soakaway was to be used, therefore, the Parish Council felt it was not possible to determine the exact surface water discharge rate or the impact within the flood risk zone and the wider area. Additionally, there was no indication of the permeability of the material to be used for the proposed hardstanding areas. Councillor White explained that the proposed houses would be on top of the slope which descended towards the beck, stating that it was therefore likely that the excess water would drain in that direction, hence the concern that excess water should be managed on site. She added a further concern was that surplus building materials or tree remains could also go into the beck, requesting that there be measures in place to prevent that happening. Further concerns were raised regarding the width and visibility of the driveway, particularly for the use of emergency services vehicles. To conclude, Councillor White requested there be assurances that conditions to prevent flooding and the entry of excess water and materials into the beck had been met.


The Chairman thanked Councillor White for her statement and invited the next speaker to address the Committee.


Mr Michael Orridge, Agent for the Applicant, that the Chairman and the Committee for the opportunity to speak. He explained that he and the applicant had continued to work closely with the Case Officer since the deferral of the application at the Planning Committee in July  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44