46 146628 - Land off Caenby Road, Glentham PDF 191 KB
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The Chairman introduced the next application, item 6(c), planning application 146628, to erect 2no. detached bungalows with detached garages & 1no. detached bungalow with attached garage at land off Caenby Road, Glentham, LN8 2EZ.
The Planning Officer explained that there were no updates and gave a brief presentation on the application. The Chairman informed the Committee there were two registered speakers, and invited Mr Andrew Clover, the agent for the application, to address the Committee.
Mr Clover thanked the Committee and explained that the site was infill, as it was between a housing development to the north and Glentham Methodist Chapel and further frontage dwellings to the south and west. He felt that developing the site to provide a row of frontage dwellings was in keeping with the character and would retain the core shape and form of this part of the village. He stated there had been careful design considerations which strengthen the sense that this area was all within the developed footprint of the village. He highlighted that advice was sought from Officers in relation to the principle of the development, with early discussions confirming that development of the site would accord with the spatial policies LP 2 and LP 4 of the previous Local Plan. As policies for the new plan were broadly similar, the principle of development continued to be acceptable.
It was highlighted that policy S53 required all developments must achieve a high quality, sustainable design that contributed positively to local character landscape and townscape, and supported diversity, equality and access for all, first and most importantly, the dwellings had been designed to be fully accessible and comply with Part N4 of the Building Regulations. Mr Clover detailed the building materials to be used and highlighted the endorsement from the Conservation Officer. He stated the dwellings would have air source heat pumps, photovoltaic panels and mechanical ventilation heat recovery. A preliminary ecological appraisal had been carried out and biodiversity net gain calculations produced. These calculations showed that the development would provide a net gain of 36%. Mr Clover concluded by thanking the Officers for their time and assistance and for the application process having been straightforward. He invited the Committee to approve the recommendation as per the report.
The Chairman thanked Mr Clover for his time and invited the second speaker, Professor Nick Blagden to address the Committee. Prof. Blagden explained he was speaking in objection to the application, on behalf of Mr Doherty, who was unable to attend the meeting.
The Committee heard that Caenby was designated as a hamlet and as such development was to be limited to a single dwelling such as infill development or development allocated through a Neighbourhood Plan. It was highlighted that planning decisions in Caenby had already surpassed published growth levels. Prof. Blagden explained that Mr Doherty believed the flurry of recent planning applications could not be read in isolation as it could be seen to create an unequal precedent in favour to a particular applicant. It was highlighted ... view the full minutes text for item 46