Issue - meetings

Meeting: 16/04/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 65)

65 Year End Review of Strategic Risks 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 280 KB

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The Monitoring Officer presented the Year-end Review of Strategic Risks 2023/24 report and summarised that Members were asked to consider additional risks and if the current controls were robust. The report would be brought to the Governance and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis, and detailed strategic risk for the Council and its priorities Our Council, Our People, Our Place and Overarching themes. Strategic risks were considered by the Management Team monthly, and actions would be updated accordingly. There were two changes for Members to note, there was a risk due to the inability to set a sustainable balanced budget for 2025/26 and a new risk relating to responding to the impact of extreme weather due to the change in environmental conditions. The Monitoring Officer thanked the Corporate Governance Officer for her hard work and concluded the report.


Members thanked the Section 151 Officer for the Risk Management training that Members received prior to the Committee Meeting and thanked the Monitoring Officer for including the extreme weather risk and looked forward to seeing improvements in this area.



RESOLVED that having reviewed the Strategic Risk register, noting the comments made, no additional strategic risks be included; and current controls and proposed actions were considered sufficiently robust.