38 Presentation Item - to formally receive the Keelby Neighbourhood Plan
Having formally adopted the Plan at the Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council on 12 September 2023, representatives from the Parish Council/ Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group will be in attendance to address Council and formally present their Plan.
Additional documents:
The Council was reminded that the Neighbourhood Plan for the parish of Keelby, had been adopted at the last meeting. Unfortunately, it had not been feasible for a Keelby Parish Council representative to be present, to take part in the “tradition” of formally handing over adopted plans, to celebrate the Parish’s success.
Representatives from Keelby Parish Council and its’ Neighbourhood Planning Group were in attendance, this evening. Councillor Sue Knight, Chairman of Keelby Parish Council (KPC), Councillor Trevor Wright (KPC) and Adrian Mitchell, lead volunteer on the Neighbourhood Planning Group were formally welcomed to the meeting. The Chairman also advised the chamber that he had visited the Parish to see the sites referenced within the Plan.
The Local Ward Member was invited to address the Chamber and spoke of his delight at seeing this document reach its final stages and of the dedication needed to complete such Plans.
Following which, Councillor Trevor Wright of KPC made the following statement: -
“Thank you for the invitation this evening, and opportunity for us to present the Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish of Keelby. My name is Councillor Trevor Wright, and with me today I have Councillor Sue Knight, Chair of Keelby Parish Council and Adrian Mitchell, a resident who had a large part in the development of our plan.
Keelby village is classed as a large village, is part of the Caistor and Yarborough Ward, it is located on the most northerly boarder of the West Lindsey District, neighbouring both North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire Districts. We often feel very isolated, but I’m delighted to say that we have 2 very proactive and capable District Councillors living in or very close to our Parish, and we are very
grateful to Councillor Lawrence and Councillor Bierley for their continuous support and guidance.
With a current population of a little over 2,100, there are approximately 970 dwellings, 10 or so businesses and 2 pubs; but as is the case everywhere, local businesses are dealing with challenging times at the moment.
We pride ourselves on Keelby being a nice place to live, and we as a Parish Council are keen for the village to retain its charm and community spirit, which is important to our residents. It was for this reason that we wanted to develop a Neighbourhood Plan, to give us some control of how the village might develop in the future.
Our neighbourhood Plan (presented to you today) focusses on 7 Planning Objectives that support our vision which reads:
“Our Community Vision for Keelby
Keelby will continue to be a thriving large village community with provision of key services, a good selection of local businesses / shops / amenities a broad range of locally accessible employment opportunities.
It will maintain and improve its overall sustainability, retain its village character and rural atmosphere while ensuring that it’s valued historic Listed Buildings, non-designated heritage assets, local environment, Open and Green spaces are not compromised or lost.”
In support of this we ... view the full minutes text for item 38