Issue - meetings

Meeting: 06/11/2023 - Council (Item 45)

45 New Outside Body Appointment and amendments to existing outside body and working Group Appointments pdf icon PDF 254 KB

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The Chairman introduced the report which sought to appoint a Member to the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board, a new Outside Body. The report also dealt with making and amending appointments, previously made, to Outside Bodies, Internal Working Groups, Boards and Panels, having received requests from Members to do so.


Whilst nominations were included in the published report, for the majority of the positions being appointed to, nominations for the seat on the Environment and Sustainability Working Group were sought, with Councillor Swift being proposed and seconded.


With no further nominations made for any of the positions available the recommendations were put to the vote en-bloc.  With no votes against it was




(a)    Councillor David Dobbie be appointed to the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board until Annual Council 2027 and the Body be added to the list of approved duties in the Members Allowances Scheme;


(b)    Councillor Stephen Bunney be appointed to the Funding Consultative Panel until Annual Council May 2027, replacing Councillor Paul Key;


(c)    Councillor Lynda Mullally be appointed to the Community Grants Panel, until Annual Council 2027 replacing Councillor Mrs Diana Rodgers;


(d)    Councillor Paul Swift be appointed to the Environment and Sustainability Working Group until Annual Council May 2027, replacing Councillor Eve Bennett; and


(e)    Councillor Paul Key be appointed to the Lincolnshire Pensions Committee, on behalf of West Lindsey District Council, until Annual Council May 2027, replacing Councillor Trevor Young.