56 144560 - "Squirrels Leap", Main Street, Burton PDF 267 KB
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The Chairman introduced the next application of the meeting, item 6(c), application number 144560, for demolition of the existing bungalow and replace with 2 storey dwelling, attached garage and all associated works at “Squirrels Leap”, Main Street, Burton. The Case Officer informed the Committee that there was no update, and gave a short presentation about the application.
The Chairman informed the Committee that there was one registered speaker, the agent for application, Mr Dan Rontree, and invited him to address the Committee.
In his statement, the agent explained further background information to the application, and stated that the first application was submitted in March 2022 under the previous Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. There had been reservations about the materials proposed and the style of the property, which were mitigated in consultation with the Authority. The determination date had been postponed over several months, with design tweaks, with the scheme now considered in its fourth version. These amended plans had been conducted out of public consultation until the applicant and the Authority were ready to present the application, which resulted from collaboration to improve the applied scheme.
Mr Rontree stated that the application dealt positively with new policies in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and had the support of the Local Planning Authority. The scheme included features to make the dwelling accessible for life, including space for a passenger lift in the house. He explained that the design approach had a roof which fitted the street scene fashion, would remove a poor-quality development, and planned to utilise local materials. These attributes allowed the applicants to spend the rest of their lives in the dwelling. Members heard that solar panels and an air source heat pump were planned for the dwelling. In concluding his statement, the agent explained that the ground level would be amended slightly to ensure it met the conditions noted in the report and hoped that the dwelling would positively impact the village of Burton and protect the surrounding environment.
The Chairman thanked the agent for his statement, and invited comments from Members of the Committee. Members supported the redesigned application and the lack of dominating the street scene of the village. In response to a number of queries about the landscaping, Members learned that nine trees and one group of vegetation were to be removed from the front under the submitted application, which created a more open frontage of the dwelling. These trees were not considered high quality enough to restrict development.
In the discussion, an additional condition on the tree's size, species and position/density was proposed and seconded to mitigate any potential loss during the development and to shield the site from the road and the road to the site.
Having been proposed and seconded, the Chairman took the vote, and it was agreed that permission be GRANTED subject to the following amended conditions:
Conditions stating the time by which the development must be commenced:
1.The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three ... view the full minutes text for item 56