Issue - meetings

Meeting: 01/11/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 55)

55 146685 - Land To The South Of Legsby Road, Market Rasen pdf icon PDF 255 KB

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The Chairman introduced the second application of the meeting, item 6(b), application number 146685, for the erection of 6no. detached bungalow dwellings & associated garages on land to the South of Legsby Road, Market Rasen. The Case Officer informed Members that there were no updates and gave a short presentation about the application.


The Chairman informed the Committee that there were five registered speakers and statements, and invited the first registered speaker, the applicant for the application, Mr Daniel Hyde, to address the Committee.


In his statement, the agent stated that a previous application in 2020 proposed five dwellings and established the principle of development on the site. The updated scheme achieved 11 dwellings per hectare and was of low density. He stated that the application would not adversely impact residential amenities and the external attributes would create a sense of place. This attribute was noted in the proposed block plan, and the submitted application would achieve a lower density than the bungalows on the neighbouring roads.


The agent explained Lincolnshire County Council Highways found the scheme acceptable, with no detrimental effects. The archaeological reports also reported consistency and expressed no detrimental effects from the submitted application. Members heard the energy statement submitted showed improved standards, and the preliminary ecological assessment would achieve a 30% net gain. The agent stated that the hedgerow units and development of the trees had been prepared specifically for the site. The indicative foul water plan had no objections from the statutory consultees, and the local pond nearby was prevalent at this time of the year. The speaker expressed that the flooding could be cleared through silting and the existing drain.


The agent then stated that the existing public footpath would not be blocked following completion of the development. He concluded by emphasising that boundary matters were not the concern of the Local Planning Authority, and asserted that the application would enhance the area.


The Chairman thanked the speaker for his statement and invited the Democratic and Civic Officer to read the first of two statements from registered objectors. The first statement, from Jenny Archer, was read aloud as follows:


“We, as noted on the screen, are the immediate residents, of Wetherby Close, The Ridings and Legsby road, connected to the land upon which the above planning application is made. We do have concerns with this proposed planning, which have been mentioned in the public comments of the application.  We would however, just like to voice our concerns once again at this meeting. The long narrow entrance to the proposed site could create a potential hazard with it being next to a road junction, the Ridings, a school entrance, with several cars parked twice a day and outpour of school children, running alongside a well-used public footpath, and a bend in the road with traffic approaching from Legsby.


Dispute of western boundary. The applicant is claiming his west boundary as up against the current residents’ fences.  In fact there is a registered well used public footpath  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55