Issue - meetings

Meeting: 07/11/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 20)

20 Member Flood Working Group Update Report pdf icon PDF 277 KB

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The Committee heard from the Director of Commercial and Operational Services regarding the work undertaken by the Officer Flood and Drainage Working Party, and the Member Flood and Drainage Working Group. It was explained that the Officer Working Party it ensured the Council was fulfilling its statutory responsibilities regarding its role as a Flood Risk Management Authority. Under the Civil Contingencies Act (2004) the Council had a duty to fulfil a Warn and Informing role, arrange rest centres for displaced residents and provide temporary accommodation if required. The Working Party considered these responsibilities and received updates from work areas related to flooding including Development Management, Enforcement, Operational Services and its link to the Environment Plan.


Additionally, Members heard that the Member Working Group received oversight of the Officer Working Party and considered reports from Members who sit on Water Management and Internal Drainage Boards. Visting Members were permitted to attend and raise particular flooding issues in their wards at the discretion of the Chair.


With regard to the update, it was explained that the Director of Commercial and Operational Services met with the Lead Local Flood Authority and LCC Highways representatives on a six weekly basis to review up to date circumstances regarding those properties which had suffered internal flooding or had a near miss.


The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, which considered flood and drainage risks was formally approved in April 2023 and Officers had completed work with the Environment Agency and other partners on collating base data which would be used for scenario planning for the Humber 2100 Strategy. The Humber 2100 Strategy Programme Board had ‘endorsed’ this first part of a long programme of works considering mitigations on and around the Humber which could mitigate long term flood risk resulting from sea level rises. Representatives from the Environment Agency presented the latest position on the Strategy at a Member workshop in early October and a report would be presented to Prosperous Communities Committee in December.


Members heard updated information regarding the recent storm which had hit the UK, and it was highlighted that one longstanding issue was the lack of sign off of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Lincolnshire Districts and the Lead Local Flood Authority regarding the immediate operational support offered to residents in the event of low-level flooding incidents. Officers continued to work with the LRF to deliver a final document which could be signed off by all partners.


Councillor T. Bridgwood wished to put on public record his thanks to all those who had been involved in assisting with the recent flooding issues in Fiskerton and enquired whether there was any work to be undertaken around the Witham Valley. It was explained that this was an area that had been raised with the Environment Agency, with Officers requesting updates as to future management strategies.


The Chairman invited Councillor L. Rollings, Visiting Member, to speak. She expressed her appreciation for the work of the Officers and Members, and highlighted the improvements in Scotter in comparison  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20