44 Markets Working Group Six Monthly Update PDF 157 KB
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The Director of Commercial and Operational Services presented the update on the Markets Working Group. He highlighted the Terms of Reference (ToR) which set out the membership and purpose of the group, and frequency of meetings to be on a 4-weekly cycle. The group were unable to meet as regularly as hoped due to work pressures and other commitments. The Markets Working Group had met four times, and an action plan had been presented to Members with one outstanding action on the design of future market stalls. There had been a visit to Barnsley to look at their heavy-duty gazebo stalls, and Officers were looking into the cost of erecting the stalls and dismantling to present this information back to Members. There was a three-year plan in place promoting levelling up and prosperity work. There was a new Town Manager supporting market offerings in Caistor and Market Rasen, as well as Gainsborough, and work on fees and charges was being done to incentivise market operators. There was a new Antiques market with an estimated 50 traders due to start on Saturdays from April to October.
Members recognised the work done on the markets by Officers and suggested there was a need to look at the quantity of waste from traders. It was also suggested that work could be done on reviewing the townscape and the potential for traders to open a shop in the local area.
The Committee thanked the Director of Commercial and Operational Services and with no further comments or questions, the Markets Working Group Six Monthly Update was DULY NOTED.