53 Quarter 3 Strategic Risk Report PDF 278 KB
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The Monitoring Officer presented the strategic risks reported as of December 2023 and sought Committee’s direction as to whether they considered the current controls and actions were deemed robust. The strategic risk was categorised in line with the Council’s corporate themes, our council, our people, our place, and overarching risks. The risks were detailed in appendix 1 and Members were advised that risks were reported to the management team monthly as part of the council’s monitoring arrangements. One strategic risk had been added relating to IT information governance since the last report in September. The Monitoring Officer concluded the report and passed on her thanks to the Corporate Governance Officer for her hard work.
Members praised the report and echoed thanks to Officers for their hard work. Concern had been raised leading into the meeting regarding the likelihood and impact scores afforded to the risk entitled “Inability to deliver our Climate Change ambitions and not deliver net zero carbon emissions by 2050” The Section 151 Officer outlined discussions with the relevant Officer indicating this would be re-submitted to Management Team, but given the recommendations on the report the Committee could formally resolve to make that request of Management Team too. On that basis it was moved and seconded that that the management to be requested to review the likelihood and risk score attached to the sustainability action, on being put to the vote the additional action was supported.
Members requested opportunity to discuss the details of Scampton risk in exempt session.
RESOLVED That having reviewed the risk register, it contents be accepted but Management Team be requested to: -
1) formally consider reviewing the likelihood and risk score attached to the sustainability action; and
2) in light of the information heard in closed session in respect of Scampton, Management Team be requested to review the likelihood, risk score and all risks attached to the Scampton action