Issue - meetings

Meeting: 16/04/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 66)

66 Monitoring Officer Annual Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 702 KB

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The Monitoring Officer presented their Annual Report on Governance and explained the report detailed an overview for 2023/24 and asked Members to consider the information in the report relating to the commercial and economic growth of West Lindsey, the Code of Conduct and handling of Complaints and detailed support given to Parish Councils. The report invited Members to recommend the report to Full Council for their consideration. Members were also asked to note the pending Constitutional Review and new appointments to the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP). The Monitoring Officer explained the Council’s Constitution remained a robust framework, and a comprehensive review would be brought to the Governance and Audit Committee in the Autumn.


Members were pleased to see comments on cyber security contained in the report and asked what powers the Council had to support Parish Councils regarding complaints. The Monitoring Officer explained that the Council offered guidance and support with complaints as an independent mediator. The Council was not able to dismiss Councillors and provided a mediation and resolution approach and provided expertise and knowledge to support Parish Councils.




a)    The information contained with the Monitoring Officer’s Annual Report be received and  RECOMMENDED to Annual Council for endorsement.


b)    Noted and endorsed the intentions in respect of the pending Constitutional Review.


c)    Agreed that the governance outlined in Section 2 of the report, in respect of managing Commercial and Economic Growth, provided assurance that the council is taking appropriate mitigating measures against the risks identified in its commercial approach.


d)    The following appointments be RECOMMENDED to Council:


§  the appointment of Mr Richard Harvey as a Member of the Independent remuneration Panel until Annual Council May 2028 (Section 5.1 of the report) be approved.


§  the appointment of Mr Andrew Middleton as an Independent Person, assisting with Code of Conduct issues, until Annual Council May 2028 (Section 5.2) be approved.


§  the appointment of Parish Councillor Elizabeth Hillman as Parish Councillor Representative on the Standards Committee until Annual Council May 2028 (Section 5.3) be approved.