Issue - meetings

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 30)

30 Scrutiny of Progress and Delivery Reporting Through the Policy Committees pdf icon PDF 227 KB

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The Committee gave consideration to a report presented by the Change, Programme and Performance Manager, regarding the scrutiny of Progress and Delivery (P&D) reporting through the two policy committees, Prosperous Communities and Corporate Policy and Resources Committees.


Members also heard an update on the activity undertaken to review Progress and Delivery measures since the Committee had resolved for a working group to be created at their meeting on 3 October 2023. At that meeting, there was a request for the proposed measures to be circulated to all Members prior to the working group meeting to allow for greater visibility and engagement. As per this request, all Members were emailed the proposed measure set and were asked to give feedback prior to the group meeting.


The Working Group met on 6 November 2023 and reviewed all measures. This led to the creation of a supporting report detailing the proposed measures, was scheduled to be discussed and formally signed off at Corporate Policy and Resources on 17 January 2024. The Change, Programme and Performance Manager extended his thanks to all Members for their engagement during this process.


With regard to the reported presented at this meeting, it was explained that the Progress & Delivery report for Quarter 2 2023/24 had been presented to both the Prosperous Communities Committee on 26 October 2023 and the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee on 9 November 2023. Minutes of both Committees were attached to the report and Members were asked to examine the responses given by those two committees and assure themselves that the appropriate level of challenge was being made to the information contained in the performance report.


The Chairman reiterated the role of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee when addressing the P&D reports, and Members thanked Officers for the quality of the report, including the detail of the Performance Improvement Plans. A Member of the Committee enquired as to whether there had been any discussion at the policy committees regarding enforcement and business rates collection figures.


There was agreement amongst Committee Members that there were common areas of challenge in both policy meetings, and, having been proposed, seconded and voted upon, it was


RESOLVED that the Committee had examined the responses given to the report by the Prosperous Communities and the Corporate Policy and Resources Committees and had assured themselves that the appropriate level of challenge is being made by those committees to the information contained in the report.


The Chairman thanked the Officers involved in the work and reiterated his thanks to the Working Group and those Members who had provided input into the review of the P&D measures.