Issue - meetings

Meeting: 08/02/2024 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 108)

108 Recommendation from Prosperous Communities Committee: Temporary Excess Waste Solution for Residents (Big Bin Clear Out) pdf icon PDF 332 KB

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The Committee heard from the Director of Commercial and Operational Services regarding a recommendation from the Prosperous Communities Committee to approve the commencement of a temporary excess waste solution for residents, to be known as the Big Bin Clear Out. It was explained that the premise of the idea was to allow residents to rent one of two sizes of large trade waste bins to dispose of household waste, for example after parties, clearing out rooms or outbuildings, or at other times when they had excess waste which was too much for normal disposal routes, but not sufficient to warrant the hiring of a skip.


Members heard that the proposal had been based on a cost recovery basis and bins would come in either 660 litre or 1100 litre sizes, at a cost of either £50 or £60 for a week’ hire. It was anticipated that initial anticipated demand could be delivered through the normal bulky service, with potential for additional demand to require dedicated resource, details of which had been financially appraised within the report. Members heard that the Terms and Conditions, including disposal conditions, would be included in refreshed Waste Services Policies document which was due at a future meeting of the Committee. As with the bulky waste service, residents would be encouraged to reuse or recycle waste material.


It was highlighted that the Prosperous Communities Committee had recommended the scheme for approval to run as a 12 month pilot, with financial approval requested from the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee. In addition, should there be any need for minor amendments to the scheme as it commenced, approval was sought from the Committee for such amendments to be delegated to Officers in consultation with the Chairmen of the two policy committees.


Members of the Committee were in support of the proposed scheme, recognising the benefits of the pricing in comparison to hiring a skip as well as the flexibility on bin size. In response to a question regarding the charging structure and limitations on use, it was confirmed that residents would be able to sign up for the service as often as they wished, with charges being on a ‘per bin, per collection’ basis. Residents would be expected to secure the hired bins and comply with the terms and conditions of usage.


Having been proposed, seconded and voted upon, it was unanimously


            RESOLVED that


a)    weekly hire charges of £50 for a 660 litre bin or £60 for a 1100 litre bin be approved for the Big Bin Clear Out service; and


b)    minor changes to the service and charges to be delegated to the Director of Commercial and Operational Services in consultation with the Chairs of the Prosperous Communities and Corporate Policy and Resources Committees.