Issue - meetings

Meeting: 19/03/2024 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 78)

78 Voluntary & Community Sector Funding 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 460 KB

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The Communities Manager presented the report on Voluntary and Community Sector Funding 2024/25 and commended the excellent work that the voluntary organisations provided to the district. He explained the financial information was contained within the report and the appendix detailed the summary of activities provided. The Council would be broadly reviewing the voluntary sector funding by December 2024 to take stock of the list of organisations and to assess the support the Council could provide for these. The Community Grants Panel would be used as a forum for the review, to give Members opportunity to look at the Council’s current priorities being funded and to inform future funding.


Members expressed concerns relating to national financial challenges and the lack of government funding. Members asked that the review be communicated to voluntary sector organisations, and requested if there were any changes in funding that three months’ notice be provided. Members praised the work of the voluntary sector and urged officers to consider the social value and health benefits of these organisations which saved the council money in the longer-term due to the health and wellbeing benefits gained by residents accessing services.


The Communities Manager explained that the Council had already notified organisations regarding the report and future review coming to committee, as open conversations were required for the review as well as interviews and visits for information gathering. The review would encompass value for money as well as community, health and social factors, and give the Council opportunity to engage with these organisations and record the work they were doing. In terms of the three months’ notice, the Communities Manager confirmed they were working in line with the LGA’s principles of best practice and were conscious to give as much notice as possible around any changes. A letter would also be sent to voluntary sector organisations following the committee meeting and any decision made by Members.


Having been moved and seconded, the Chairman took the vote, and it was unanimously




a)    the Voluntary and Community Sector core funding grants for 2024/25 be approved as follows:


·         Call Connect (LCC) - £30,000

·         Citizens Advice Lincoln & Lindsey - £60,200

·         Gainsborough Adventure Playground Association - £15,000

·         Lincoln Area Dial-a-Ride - £13,000

·         Live and Local - £3,500

·         The Conservation Volunteers - £30,000

·         Voluntary Centre Services - £25,000

·         West Lindsey Churches Festival - £8,000


TOTAL: £184,700


b)    the Council undertake a review of Voluntary and Community Sector core funding as set out in Section 6 of the report and present a report to the Prosperous Communities Committee by December 2024.