Issue - meetings

Meeting: 19/03/2024 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 75)

75 Economic Growth Strategy Task and Finish Group pdf icon PDF 529 KB

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The Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities presented the proposal for an Economic Growth Strategy task and finish group (EGSTFG) which would give Members oversight of the development of the strategy. This would promote a collaborative approach to developing the Economic Growth Strategy, which would replace the Council’s Economic Recovery plan 2021-24 following the Covid-19 pandemic. The report emphasised the collaborative nature of the task and finish group and set out the opportunities for Members to provide input to shape the future strategy and review concepts such as the audience, design, language, and style of the document. Members were asked to consider the proposed terms of reference contained in the report, and five Members were required to form the membership for the EGSTFG. The Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities explained that the draft Economic Growth Strategy would be brought to the Prosperous Communities Committee for consideration and approval, and once adopted the task and finish group would be concluded, with any future updates to be brought to the Committee.


The Chair thanked the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities for her report and invited Members to ask questions. Members were pleased to receive the report and were keen to be a part of the development of the Economic Growth Strategy. It was felt that the strategy was vitally important for West Lindsey and it was asked if the nature of work was business as usual. The Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities shared that there were some complexities with the changing economic environment and devolution, but the strategy would be as part of business as usual and would create a vision for economic growth to give the Council the tools to shape the future.


During the course of the debate, three names were put forward for inclusion in the group, those being Councillor S. Bunney, Councillor L. Rollings and Councillor T. Young. It was agreed that the further two names be provided after the meeting.


Having been moved and seconded, and on reiterating thanks to all involved, the Chairman took the vote, and it was unanimously




a)    the Economic Growth Strategy Task and Finish Group be established to support the collaborative development of the new economic growth strategy; and


b)    the draft Terms of Reference (and shown in appendix 1 of the report) for the Task and Finish Group, including the appointment of members to the EGSTFG, be adopted; and  


c)    the membership of the Economic Growth Strategy Task and Finish Group, comprising of cross party and cross district representation, be formed including Councillors Bunney, Rollings and Young, with a further two Councillors to be named after the meeting.