45 DRAFT Annual Report - Overview & Scrutiny and Review of Operating Methodology PDF 269 KB
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The Senior Democratic and Civic Officer presented the draft Annual Overview and Scrutiny report and explained that as stated in the constitution, the Chairman would present the report at Annual Council. The report contained a summary of the work undertaken by the Committee over the year, a look ahead to the upcoming civic year and also an initial review of the operating methodology. The Committee was asked to consider the report and any amendments or additions they wished to make to the report.
Members discussed and reflected on the challenges over the past year, and the collaborative effort put into bringing together the Cultural Strategy. Members raised concerns regarding training and the Senior Democratic and Civic Officer shared that a handbook had been produced for Members, and confirmed work would take place over the summer to revisit this.
The Chairman thanked the Senior Democratic and Civic Officer for the report, and, having been proposed and seconded, took the vote. It was
a) consideration had been given to the content of the draft annual report, and the Operating Methodology, with comments for the latter to be shared through the Constitution Review; and
b) the annual report be supported for submission to Annual Council; and
c) any comments made through the course of debate be further considered by the Director – Change Management, ICT & Regulatory Services and Chairman of the Committee prior to the finalised report being submitted to Annual Council in May 2024.
Note: Councillor P. Key requested that his vote against the above resolutions be recorded.