Issue - meetings

Meeting: 23/04/2024 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 86)

86 West Lindsey Cultural Strategy pdf icon PDF 418 KB

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The Committee heard from the Director of Planning, Regeneration & Communities regarding the West Lindsey Cultural Strategy. She explained that in January 2020 the Corporate Peer Challenge highlighted there was potential to align and increase the use of, and maximise income from, the district’s existing and planned cultural assets such as the Trinity Arts Centre and the planned town centre cinema. In recognition of this significant potential, the peer review recommended that the council consider the development of a cultural strategy in order to achieve a clear strategic position and to guide work moving forwards.


Supported by Tom Flemming Creative Consultancy, the strategy was the product of many hours of engagement, with the Prosperous Communities Committee, wider Member input, with Officers and with the varied and dedicated network of existing and potential future providers, including valued community organisations. The input had shaped the vision and the four emerging priorities, and the Council was looking forward to developing these important relationships as it moved into delivery.


The strategy set culture at the centre of communities and the economy, recognising that access to culture can support the well-being and distinctiveness of a place.

Four priority themes had been developed to shape and guide the work, and it had taken time to ensure these priorities reflected the Council’s aspiration for cultural activity. Members heard these priorities were:


Grassroots Culture: this work would focus on developing the ‘West Lindsey Way’ for culture, which meant working with community cultural organisations and assets to develop a local approach, in order to ensure that anything undertaken left a legacy of strong, local providers and provision.


Great Places: Through this priority it would be ensured that culture played a role in place making, that the regeneration plans provided inclusive cultural opportunities and that the programming of events and activity was district wide.


Community Well-being: the Council saw culture as a foundation to a happier, healthier district, enhancing quality of life and boosting pride and confidence.


Dynamic Talent and Practice. Championing local talent and providing opportunities for talent to work in the district through innovative programming and touring opportunities.


It was explained that, alongside the strategy, a short executive summary had been developed, which was designed to be accessible and set out a brief overview of the vision and priorities. The strategy was supported by a three year action plan. For year one, the action plan set out 19 priority actions that aimed to set in motion the delivery of the strategy, bring in the resources needed for the delivery and create the monitoring framework, with partners and providers that would be used to drive the evaluation of the work. Actions for years two and three were included, with further work to continue to develop interventions as the plan was enacted.


A key pillar of this strategy required the creation of new roles to drive forwards the work. Funding had been made available through the MTFP to create a new, permanent Community Cultural Officer. It would be the responsibility of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 86