Issue - meetings

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 15)

15 Sport & Active Leisure Development Plan pdf icon PDF 935 KB

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The Communities Manager presented the report which gave the context of the Sport and Leisure activity in West Lindsey, and the upcoming plans to establish a Sport and Active Leisure Strategy and to improve health and wellbeing in the district. The proposed Sport and Active Leisure Strategy would be linked to the Corporate Plan and encompass health and wellbeing, physical activity and have a focus on the positive opportunities provided in the district. It was anticipated that the strategy would be drafted by Spring 2025.


The budget had provision for the appointment of a Sport and Physical Activity Officer and the job advertisement would be going live shortly. The role would be responsible for taking the lead on promoting an active lifestyle for people across the district and delivering projects. They would be working with colleagues in partnership across the district to deliver on sport and active leisure in West Lindsey.


Members thanked the Communities Officer for the report and discussed looking at best practice from local authorities of a similar size to West Lindsey. Members were keen to understand the nature of the new officer role and the Communities Manager explained as a new role it had two key areas, helping to share sports and active leisure with the new strategy and working with partners and councillors. The role was varied, working out in the district, as a point of contact for residents and Members.


Having been proposed and seconded, the Chairman took the vote and it was




a)    the Sport and Active Leisure Development Actions detailed in the report be acknowledged; and  


b)    a draft Sport & Active Leisure Strategy be received by the Prosperous Communities Committee by Spring 2025.