Issue - meetings

Meeting: 18/07/2024 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 28)

28 Street Naming and Numbering Policy pdf icon PDF 482 KB

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The Committee gave consideration to a report presented by the Corporate Systems Development Manager, who explained that the Street Naming and Numbering procedure was reviewed in 2023, with the updated procedure having been agreed by the Committee at its meeting on 19 December 2023. At that time, it was also agreed that a full policy would be drawn up and brought for consideration by the Committee in 2024. It was explained that the report fulfilled the recommendations agreed on in December 2023 and presented a new policy for the Council’s Street Naming and Numbering function for adoption. Once adopted, this policy would replace the previous procedure document.


Members heard that the Street Naming and Numbering process was carried out along with Local Land and Property Gazetteer management. The Council had recently been awarded the Platinum Award for address and street data, which was given to authorities that had maintained Gold status across all criteria of the annual improvement schedule for 10 out of the 12 months of the year to the end of March 2024. This prestigious award highlighted the commitment to maintaining the highest level of data quality throughout the year. It was highlighted that the Council had not fallen below Gold Standard in the last eight years.


The Chairman thanked the Corporate Systems Development Manager for the report and concise presentation, and extended his thanks to those working on the policy behind the scenes. He also reminded Members that the Committee had given consideration to much of the content at their meeting in December.


Members were fully supportive of the policy, and reiterated their thanks for the amendments which had been carried forward from the December debate, such as the removal of the time limit for honouring a person with a street name. A Member of the Committee requested that the information regarding the awards won by the Council be shared in the Parish Newsletter, as many parishes would not be aware of that information.


In response to a question regarding the use of apostrophes in street names, it was confirmed that the databases did not allow for the inclusion of apostrophes, however, the Officer would check details for the creation of street signs and update Members outside of the meeting.


With repeated thanks to Officers, and having been moved and seconded, the Chairman took the vote and it was unanimously


            RESOLVED that


a)    the Street Naming and Numbering Policy, as attached to the report at Appendix 2, be adopted; and


b)    any procedural updates to the Policy be carried out under delegation to the Director of ICT, Change and Regulatory Services, in conjunction with the Chair of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee. In the event of more substantive policy changes, it be recommended that the Policy be brought back to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee for decision.