Additional documents:
The Committee heard again from the Deputy S151 Officer, who explained that the report detailed the draft controllable service budgets for 2025/26, and estimates for the following four years for the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, and those recommended by Prosperous Communities Committee in January 2025.
It was explained that the net base budget for services within the Committee, had increased from 2024/25 by £225,000. £77,000 of this movement was a decrease in approved use of earmarked reserves which related to the end of fixed term contracts. Of the remaining increase, £248,000 was against salary budgets which had been affected be several factors, including, an assumed pay award of 3% for 2025/26 and changes to employers’ national insurance. The Council had received confirmation of the NI Compensation Grant from Government which equated to 52% of the Council’s budgeted figure for national insurance.
Additionally, it was explained there had been an increase in contractual software expenditure of £54,000, as new modules and developments of systems were implemented across the council, and external audit fees had increased by £23,000 which reflected a national increase in external audit contracts.
Revenue contingency budgets had seen a net decrease of £19,000, which included a reduction in the commercial contingency budget to £100,000 per year, with an increase in the budget pressure contingency budget to make provision for revenue costs to support the delivery of the food waste collection service from 2026/27.
Officers were able to report that the proposed budgets for this committee contributed towards a balanced budget for 2025/26 and Members were asked to recommend the budget to Council for inclusion in the medium-term financial plan.
It was recognised there was certain fluidity regarding the future of the Council, in relation to the Local Government Reorganisation, and Members were content with the budget and estimates as presented.
Having been moved, seconded, and voted upon, it was
a) the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee budget 2025/2026 be accepted and recommended to Council for inclusion in the overall Council budget 2025/2026; and
b) the Prosperous Communities Committee Budget 2025/2026 be accepted and recommended to Council for inclusion in the overall Council budget for 2025/2026; and
c) any minor changes be delegated to the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Chairperson of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee; and
d) the 2026/2027 to 2029/2030 estimates for both this Committee and those of Prosperous Communities Committee be recommended to Council for inclusion in the Medium Term Financial Plan 2025/2026 to 2029/2030 (as amended by any decisions taken on this agenda).