Issue - meetings

Meeting: 18/07/2024 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 29)

29 Fleet Vehicle Decarbonisation Strategy pdf icon PDF 264 KB

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The Committee heard from the Policy and Strategy Officer regarding the requested adoption of the West Lindsey District Council Fleet Decarbonisation Strategy, and the associated decision-making framework within the strategy. It was explained this was the first such strategy for the Council which provided a roadmap and decision-making pathway for transitioning to zero emission vehicles by 2035. Members heard that through its Carbon Management Plan, the Council had made significant strides in recent years, reducing carbon emissions by 32% since 2008. However, at 34%, fuel consumption remained the biggest contributor to the Council’s current carbon footprint with significant changes required to reduce this going forward.


It was highlighted that the approach outlined in the report had been developed to support delivery of the Council’s strategic environmental aim of becoming carbon net zero by 2050, as described in the Environment and Sustainability Strategy. Adopting this Strategy would enable the Council to make informed, evidence-based decisions to decarbonise the fleet. The timescales for implementing the decision-making framework would be driven by the already established fleet replacement schedule and in line with budget cycles.


The Chairman thanked the Policy and Strategy Officer and expressed his support for the strategy. Members of the Committee noted their pleasure at the decision making matrix, understanding there were numerous considerations to take into account when considering fleet replacement options. A Member of the Committee highlighted the particular challenges of being a rural district, meaning the journeys undertaken by fleet vehicles were naturally longer and more spread out than in urban areas. Members also acknowledged the importance of monitoring emerging technologies, as current electric options may not provide the best value for money and efficiency as required by the Council.


Having been moved and seconded, on putting it to the vote, it was unanimously


            RESOLVED that


a)    the Fleet Decarbonisation Strategy and Decision-Making Framework, as attached at Appendices 1 and 2 of the report, be adopted; and


b)    authority be delegated to the Head of Policy and Strategy in consultation with the Chairman of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee to make minor editorial modifications to the strategy, including the decision-making framework, where updates to data or legislation occur, that did not fundamentally change to the core objectives of the strategy.