Issue - meetings

Meeting: 23/05/2024 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 8)

8 Amendments to the approved Committee Timetable: Change of Meeting Date – Corporate Policy & Resources Committee, July 2024 pdf icon PDF 225 KB

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Members gave consideration to a report seeking to amend the agreed Committee Timetable in relation to the meeting of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee scheduled in July 2024. It was explained that, for reasons of availability, it was suggested that the July meeting be brought forward by one week, to be held on Thursday 11 July 2024.


During the course of the debate, the Democratic Services and Elections Team Manager clarified the reason for the requirement of a Committee decision, that being governed by the Local Government Act 1972. In response to a query regarding other requests to change dates, it was confirmed that there would always be a Committee decision required to amend a date, however cancellations of meetings or the calling of additional meetings could be made under delegated authority by the Head of Paid Service. It was explained that the only reason a date change may not be possible would be if there was no meeting of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee ahead of the proposed change.


In relation to issues with availability, it was recognised that the timetable had been approved by the Committee in February 2024. It was also recognised that other commitments may be liable to being changed or added in the time since the timetable was approved. It was noted that a second Vice Chairman had been appointed to the Committee at Annual Council on 13 May 2024 and that according to the Constitution, a meeting could be held so long as quorum was met. It was enquired as to whether this information might negate the need to amend the meeting date.


The recommendation as written in the report, that being for the date of the July meeting of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee to be amended to 11 July 2024, was proposed and seconded. On taking the vote, the motion was lost by majority vote and the Chairman confirmed the date of the meeting would remain as 18 July 2024.