Issue - meetings

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 16)

16 Temporary Accommodation pdf icon PDF 316 KB

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The Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities presented the report and explained that Members were requested to adopt a temporary accommodation allocation policy for West Lindsey. The Committee received an update on the temporary accommodation review that was concluded at the end of 2022, and the work following including the temporary accommodation project.


The report gave consideration to the context and background to homelessness and temporary accommodation, highlighting some of the main factors across the district and the increase in the number of people approaching the Council for homelessness advice and support. The financial implications, costs of delivering homelessness services and securing temporary accommodation were detailed in the report.


Following a consultation, the Council was seeking procurement for 13 units of accommodation to meet the increasing demand for housing. The Temporary Accommodation policy was aimed to guide partners and customers through the process and the considerations that would be taken into account when assessing housing need. The Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities highlighted the recommendations and invited Members to ask any questions.


Members were saddened to hear of the increasing demand for temporary accommodation and hoped that the Council would continue to look at social and affordable housing options and longer-term support for those accessing temporary housing.


Members asked a question surrounding vacant properties and if it was possible for West Lindsey to secure these and turn into housing options. The Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities explained that the Council did keep a close eye on empty properties and in previous years, work had been undertaken to bring these back into use, but this was costly and challenging for the Council.


Final comments highlighted the duty of care of the Council during extreme weather periods, the need to work with partners and continuously review the options available to West Lindsey to provide support for those experiencing homelessness. With Members content there were no further comments, the recommendations contained within the report were duly proposed and seconded and, on taking the vote, it was unanimously




a)    the progress to date of the work on the Temporary Accommodation Project be noted; and  


b)    the Temporary Accommodation Allocation Policy be adopted; and  


c)    minor amendments to the Temporary Accommodation Allocation Policy be delegated to the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities in consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee.