Issue - meetings

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 72)

72 Unaudited Statement of Accounts 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 798 KB

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Prior to the Officer’s presentation, a copy of the report was circulated to ensure the correct version of the report and recommendation was considered by Members.


Members heard from the Financial Services Manager (Deputy 151 Officer) that the draft Statement of Accounts for 2023/24 had been prepared and the Governance and Audit Committee were responsible for approving the report. Members would be provided with training prior to the meeting on 24 September 2024, when the final audited accounts would be brought to Committee. The draft Statement of Accounts was published on the Council’s website on 31 May 2024 and the audit of the accounts was due to be completed in September. The report highlighted the positive use of Council expenditure throughout the year and key projects being delivered in the Levelling Up Fund. Notably, the Council was holding £3.6m of Capital Grants for schemes to be delivered during 2024/25. The general fund had been reduced to £3.28m and there was an increase in earmarked reverses. The Council had a robust Medium-Term financial strategy and there were no material uncertainties.


The Financial Services Manager (Deputy 151 Officer) concluded his report and thanked the finance team for their dedication and hard work, especially during March and April to meet the 31 May deadline.


Members expressed concern regarding the length of the statement of accounts document, which had doubled in size from the previous year’s Statement of Accounts. Members asked the rationale for this and if this was due to CIPFA and regulatory guidance. Members made comment to the specialist knowledge required to understand the financial detail in the Statement of accounts report and their role on the Committee approving the report. The Section 151 Officer confirmed that the report was produced in line with CIPFA guidance, and the report included more photographs as previously requested by members and included the Council’s Annual Governance Statement. She explained to Members that their role was not to have specialist knowledge of the accounts, but to scrutinise the governance arrangements in place and KPMG were to advise Members and provide assurance. Members would have a private meeting with KPMG, the Council’s external auditors, prior to the September meeting.


The External Auditor, KPMG explained to Members that their role was to gather assurance from various sources on financial processes used to produce the Statement of Accounts. The External Auditor would produce reports detailing any risks and errors identified in the Statement of Accounts, as well as any control deficiencies and other observations to inform Members to help with their decision-making. The External Auditors also had the power to contact the Chairman of the Governance and Audit Committee with any concerns, and they had the opportunity to hold meetings with Members bi-annually, in addition to attending Committee meetings.


Members suggested that version variations of the Statement of Accounts be produced so that everyone had the opportunity to read and understand the report. Members questioned the decrease in Pension liability and asked for clarification from Officers. The Financial Services  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72