Issue - meetings

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 72)

72 Establishment of the Joint Committee for Devolution (Terms of Reference and Standing Orders) pdf icon PDF 368 KB

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Members were requested to consider the governance arrangements for the establishment of the Joint Committee for Devolution and consider the recommendations to go to Council on 24 June 2024. The Monitoring Officer explained that Members were aware of the devolution in Greater Lincolnshire and the combining of the three authorities North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, and Lincolnshire County Councils to create the Mayoral Combined County Authority (MCCA). As part of this, the seven District Councils would be able to participate via the Joint Committee forum and 4 Members would be elected on the Committee, as well as on the Overview and Scrutiny and Audit Committees. The Joint Committee for Devolution would have overall oversight of the ongoing transition work and governance arrangements. The Monitoring Officer highlighted Section 2.3 which contained the Scope of the Joint Committee as well as the proposed Terms of Reference and Standing Orders. The Chief Executives and Leaders of the respective authorities had been briefed and provided input into the development of the documents. Since the publication of the report there had been an addition made to the Terms of Reference to allow the Joint Committee to consider any other matters that were of interest to the committee. The Monitoring Officer concluded the report and highlighted the recommendations and shared that any changes would be brought back to the Governance and Audit Committee for consideration.


Members discussed the report and asked for clarification on the definition of non-constituent and constituent members. The Monitoring Officer explained constituent members referred to members of the three authorities and non-constituent referred to District Council Members.


Members asked what scrutiny of the Joint Committee would look like and how Members would be able to provide scrutiny input. The Monitoring Officer responded that approval would be sought from Full Council to participate in the Joint Committee and any amendments to documents would be brought back to the Committee for Oversight. There would also be an Overview and Scrutiny Committee created for oversight of the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee would be a public meeting and Members would be able to view the reports, attend and observe meetings.


The Chairman suggested that reports on the Joint Committee come to the Committee for further discussion. The Monitoring Officer proposed that regular reports on the performance of the Joint Committee be brought back to the Governance and Audit Committee.


It was proposed and seconded that progress reports relating to the performance of the Joint Committee for Devolution be brought to the Governance and Audit Committee.




1)    The establishment of a District Joint Committee of the Lincolnshire Districts for the purposes of devolution and participation at the Mayoral Combined County Authority be RECOMMENDED to Council for approval; 


2)    It be RECOMMENDED to Council that the Leader of West Lindsey District Council be proposed to represent the authority at the District Joint Committee .

3)    The proposed Terms of Reference and Standing Orders for the District Joint Committee be endorsed and RECOMMENDED to Council for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72