27 Tillbridge Solar - Written Representations (WR) PDF 258 KB
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Members heard again from the Development Management Team Manager regarding the submission of Written Representations prepared for the Tillbridge Solar Project Development Consent Order (DCO) examination. Further to the details provided for the previous item, it was highlighted that as part of the examination process, interested parties, including the host authorities, were invited to submit a written representation (WR) to clarify their views on the application that were included in their relevant representation. The examination timetable showed that written representations were to be submitted by 14 November 2024, and it was recommended that the Council did submit written representations. In anticipation, the draft WR had been prepared and was appended to the report. It was recommended that responsibility be delegated to the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities, in consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee, to complete and submit the final written representations to the Tillbridge solar examination, having incorporated the feedback of the Committee.
Members of the Committee again thanked Officers for their detailed work on the representations. Several concerns were raised regarding the NSIP, including the loss of the heritage landscape around Harpswell, the impact of power storage and possible strains on the national grid, and the use of Canadian Solar in light of claims made against the company regarding unethical practices . In response, the Officer confirmed that the heritage landscape was an area of great landscape value, with the risk to that landscape being raised within the report. It was recognised that the developer had amended their original scheme because of the listed buildings and monument in the area. With regard to the use of Canadian Solar, there had been national communications suggesting there were no concerns, however it was recognised this remained a source of discontent. In relation to the access to the national grid, it was confirmed that the Secretary of State would need to be satisfied there was sufficient capacity, including seeking evidence of approved grid connections.
A Member of the Committee highlighted that, if the proposal had not been considered an NSIP, it would be contrary to all local planning policy framework. Not only was it contrary to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, but also several Neighbourhood Plans which were enacted within the area in question. The level of opposition to the proposal, and the cumulative effect of this with other NSIPs, would also be taken into account by the Local Planning Authority. The loss of food-producing farmland would be to the detriment of the country, with the Member of the Committee questioning whether such considerations had been looked at by the Secretary of State when approving other applications. Concerns were again voiced regarding the impact on flood risk, as well as the longer-term impact of climate change, with the Officer confirming such NSIPs were assessed for impact on flood risk, climate change and associated implications.
With Members of the Committee reiterating their united opposition to the proposed development, and repeating those concerns regarding the impact on the landscape, ... view the full minutes text for item 27