Issue - meetings

Meeting: 14/08/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 6a)

6a 147461 - Land off Bridle Way Market Rasen LN8 3ZT pdf icon PDF 270 KB

Planning application to erect 2no. dwellings.

Additional documents:

Meeting: 17/07/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 126)

126 147461 - Land off Bridle Way Market Rasen LN8 3ZT pdf icon PDF 270 KB

Planning application to erect 2no. dwellings.

Additional documents:


Members heard that there had been no further representations received by Planning Officers since the report had been published. Discussion regarding the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) conditions had taken place, and it was agreed there would be a requirement to secure 10% BNG with a combination of on-site and registered off-site BNG to meet the current legislation. The movement of the hedgerows would require mitigation as there was great crested newts in the area and condition 3 had been amended to reflect this.


In terms of access, the development site would be accessed off Bridle Way and the two properties would be Dorma style in character, and there was a proposal for modified grassland and mixed shrub. Site photographs showing the site and access were displayed.


The Chairman thanked the Planning Officer and advised the Committee there were two registered speakers on this item.


Reverend Diana E Carroll addressed the Committee on behalf of Bridle Way residents and expressed their concerns objecting to the development. They felt that the planning conditions did not adequately address the ecology of the site and did not take into account equality concerns relating to access to the site. She referred to the previous development where extensive landscaping and planting in front gardens had not taken place as outlined. Assurance was sought from planning officers to make sure that conditions were adhered to. There were accessibility and safety concerns as there was no pavement for pedestrian and wheelchair users on Bridle Way with the oncoming construction traffic gaining access to the site.


Councillor Stephen Bunney addressed the Committee in his capacity as Ward Member and a Member of Market Rasen Town Council. He explained the proposed dwellings were part of the Ridings original development which were single storey bungalows and the Dorma style was not in character with the rest of the site. He also expressed environmental and flooding concerns, particularly with the proposed pond.


The Development Management Team Manager responded to comments, and explained that ecology had been raised and addressed in the report and Planning Policy had made it mandatory for provision for BNG. With the great crested newts on site, the pond was deemed as the appropriate habitat. In relation to comments made on accessibility and equality, the construction management plan would address this as it formed a part of building regulations.


Members debated the application, and it was proposed and seconded that a site visit to view the character of the development and consider the highways and access to the site was needed.


Upon the vote, there was 5 votes for and 5 votes against a site visit. The Chairman used his casting vote in favour of a site visit.


RESOLVED that the application be deferred for a site visit to be held, to afford Members a greater understanding of the potential development site including the character of the area, highways and access to the site.