Issue - meetings

Meeting: 17/07/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 127)

127 144062 - Land West of North Moor Road Scotter Gainsborough DN21 3HT pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Planning application to erect 8no. dwellings.


Additional documents:


The Case Officer delivered his presentation and explained that the application was for 8 dwellings which were part of an allocated site. The original development was for 51 dwellings, and 43 were determined under reserved matters and the applicant was proposing to use some of the allocated site to meet the indicated numbers. The applicant had agreed to the pre-commencement conditions detailed in the report.

The Case Officer showed the elevation plan, external materials plan, driveway finishes and the drainage plan for the site, as well as photographs from different perspectives of the site area.


The agent addressed the Committee and explained that the proposal delivered 8 residential properties on the allocated site which benefitted from the additional 51 units to meet the housing supply targets in the Local Plan. The purpose of the application was to gain consent and update the boundary for the additional space required. There were good design principles for the site, with generous gardens, soft landscaping and ample parking space. There would be no detrimental impact on current residents and conditions to the outline consent would be adhered to.


Members discussed the report and expressed that Section 106 monies should be increased for additional housing development.


On taking the vote, it was agreed that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions set out in the Case Officer’s report.