Issue - meetings

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Scrutiny of Progress and Delivery Reporting through the Policy Committees: Quarter Four and Year End 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 221 KB

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Members heard from the Performance and Programme Manager regarding the Progress and Delivery reporting for quarter four and year end of 2023/24. It was highlighted that Members were required to scrutinise the challenge of the two policy committees to the content of the council’s Progress and Delivery reports. To assist this scrutiny, a summary of the relevant minutes was provided, as well as the full Progress and Delivery report. Members were asked to examine the responses given to the report by those two policy committees and assure themselves that the appropriate level of challenge was being made to the information contained in the report.


Members expressed their contentment with the detail of discussions at both the Prosperous Communities and Corporate Policy and resources Committees and with no further comments to add it was


RESOLVED that the Committee had examined the responses given to the report by the Prosperous Communities and the Corporate Policy and Resources Committees and assured themselves that the appropriate level of challenge was being made by those committees to the information contained in the report.