Issue - meetings

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Review of Operating Methodology pdf icon PDF 135 KB

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Members gave consideration to a report seeking to consider and approve the Operating Procedure for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Civic Year 2024 / 2025.


It was explained that the Operating Methodology for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee set out the criteria for fulfilling the main functions of the Committee. The methodology was introduced in 2014, with an updated version reviewed and agreed by the Committee in 2019. It was reviewed annually with amendments considered in line with each annual review of the Constitution.


Members heard that the current version of the Operating Methodology had been in place since July 2023 and was considered by the Committee in March 2023 as a part of the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report. Following that review, and the annual review of the Constitution, there were no suggested amendments. It was confirmed that, pending approval, the Operating Methodology would be used as a reference point when considering items for the Committee’s work plan for the coming civic year.


In response to a query regarding the decision-making status of the ‘Proper Officer’ quoted in the document, it was explained that the role within a District Council was different to that of the role within a Parish Council. It was confirmed that items for inclusion on the work plan would be discussed between the Chairman, Committee and Officers, as needed.


With no further comments, and having been moved, seconded, and voted upon, it was


RESOLVED that the Operating Methodology be approved for implementation throughout the 2024/25 Civic Year.