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The Committee gave consideration to a report presented by the Communications Manager, seeking to present and request approval of the Council’s Consultation, Communication and Engagement Strategy – Moving Forwards Together: Empowering Community Voices (2024-28). This would replace the Consultation and Engagement Strategy which was adopted in 2020. It was explained that in developing this new strategy there had been several events undertaken, including Member Workshops and involvement with organisations such as the Voluntary Sector Services, Parish Councils, and Officers within West Lindsey District Council. All feedback received had been fed into the Strategy, with the new version outlining the Council’s pledges for consultation, how to involve the local communities, and bringing together elements of legislation which involved consultation for the Council, such as the Localism Act 2011.
There was widespread praise for the new strategy, and the work undertaken by Officers to underpin the pledges made by the Council. It was highlighted that, pending the approval of the new strategy, there would be increased communications with Officers in order to emphasise the importance of the strategy and the pledges contained within it. In response to comments regarding closer working with the Parish Councils and smaller communities, it was confirmed that there had been elements of consultation with them for the development of the new strategy, and there was additional work ongoing regarding the Parish Charter and Parish Forums.
In response to comments relating to the use of social media, it was acknowledged that there was opportunity to connect with local communities through social media groups, and whilst this was happening in some areas of the district, it was not yet widespread. It was also recognised that there did need to be engagement with communities outside of social media, such as attendance at weekly markets. It was also recognised that the use of messages and hyperlinks on social media could be a source of negative interaction, for example if a hyperlink was not working, however Members were assured this was regularly monitored and dealt with as necessary.
With no further comments or questions, and having been moved, seconded and voted upon, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Consultation, Communication and Engagement Strategy be approved.