Issue - meetings

Meeting: 11/09/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 148)

148 00585 - Baltic Mill Land, Bridge Street, Gainsborough pdf icon PDF 235 KB

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The Committee gave consideration to the final application of the evening, application number 00585, seeking approval for the demolition of the remaining Baltic Mill wall on Baltic Mill Land, Bridge Street, Gainsborough. It was explained that since the report was published, a consultation response had been received from the Environment Agency. Whilst they had no objections to the application, they had advised that the applicant would require a Flood Risk Activity Permit due to the proximity of the site in relation to the River Trent. In the event permission be granted, an informative advising the applicant on how to obtain a permit would be added to the decision notice. Additionally, a ‘no objection’ response had been received from Gainsborough Town Council. The Officer summarised that the application proposed to demolish the remaining south flank wall of Baltic Mill. Structural issues with the wall had come to light since the granting of the landscaping scheme, meaning that the proposed landscaping could affect the stability of the wall. Members received a short presentation on the application.


With no registered speakers, the Chairman thanked the Officer and invited comments from Members. Councillor D. Dobbie reiterated his declaration from earlier in the meeting and stated that, on the basis of the application as presented to the Committee, the proposal was entirely reasonable.


Having been moved and seconded, the Chairman took the vote and it was unanimously


RESOLVED that approval to GRANT planning permission (subject to conditions) be delegated back to officers to issue a decision once the re-consultation period on changes to the site location / red line ownership plan had expired.