28 Sport & Physical Activity Strategy Task and Finish Group PDF 346 KB
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Members gave consideration to a report presented by the Communities Manager, seeking to establish a task and finish group, with associated Terms of Reference, to oversee and direct the development of a new Sport & Physical Activity Strategy for West Lindsey. It was explained that the Council did not currently have strategy focussed on this area of delivery. The development of a Sport & Physical Activity Strategy would set out how the Council would play an important role in supporting the development of sport and physical activity provision across the district. It was highlighted that a collaborative approach to the development of the strategy would enable consensus direction at key decision points to inform and shape the strategy for final committee approval. Approval was therefore sought for the establishment of a task and finish group.
Members enquired as to the anticipated timescale for the work to be undertaken, with the Officer explaining it was expected to be around a year for the draft strategy to be developed. It was highlighted that one of the first tasks for the group would be to agree specifics, including the timeframe and associated milestones to achieve.
The Chairman proposed an amendment to recommendation three contained within the report, that being for the number of members of the group to be increased to six, rather than five, and for Group Leaders to be invited to put forward representatives, in order for the group to be made up of those Councillors who had a passion for the specific area of work. It was explained that, for expedience of confirming group membership, the Committee could delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities, in consultation with the Chairman, with a view to having the membership confirmed within 14 days. Having been seconded and voted upon, it was
RESOLVED that recommendation three within the report be amended to read:
“Membership of the Sport and Physical Activity Task and Finish Group, to comprise of six cross-party and cross-district Member representatives, be delegated to the Director of Planning, Regenerations and Communities, in consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee, and to be confirmed within 14 days.”
A Member enquired as to the reporting of non-attendance at meetings of the task and finish group. It was explained this was a standard approach for all task and finish groups and working groups, in order to ensure there was continuity of Member engagement, and recognising that circumstances for individuals may change meaning they could no longer be involved in such groups. It was confirmed that Members could arrange substitutes to attend on their behalf, and other Members would be able to attend should they wish, in much the same way as Visiting Members at a Committee meeting.
With no further comments, the recommendations, including the amended recommendation three, were duly proposed, seconded, and voted upon, and it was
a) a task and finish group (Sport & Physical Activity Task and Finish Group, SPATFG) to support the collaborative development of the ... view the full minutes text for item 28