Issue - meetings

Meeting: 13/02/2025 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 109)

109 Recommendation from the Joint Staff Consultative Committee: Review of the Whistleblowing Policy pdf icon PDF 141 KB

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Members heard from the Assistant Director People and Democratic Services who presented the revised Whistleblowing Policy for consideration. It was explained that the policy had not required many changes, however, a notable change was the name of the policy itself. It was suggested the policy be retitled “Reporting a Concern (Whistleblowing) Policy”, highlighting it was appropriate that the term “Whistleblowing” remain in the title as it differentiated the policy from other complaint and grievance policies.


Members expressed their contentment with the amendments to the policy, and, subject to the correction of some typing errors, were happy to support the policy. The involvement of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee was welcomed, recognising that it had been thoroughly debated with suggestions made which had then been incorporated into the policy.


Having been moved and seconded, the Chairman took the vote, and it was


RESOLVED that the revised and renamed ‘Reporting a Concern (Whistleblowing) Policy’ be approved.