105 Recruitment Controls Discussion Paper PDF 475 KB
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Members heard from the Assistant Director – People and Democratic Services / Monitoring Officer who presented existing recruitment controls in place at West Lindsey District Council as set out in HR policy, Financial Regulations and the Constitutional Scheme of Delegation. It was highlighted that the report had been presented to the Savings Board and was brought to the Committee for noting.
Members of the Committee who had been present at the meeting of the Savings Board reiterated their satisfaction with the recruitment controls already in place and confirmed they had been suitably assured by the information presented to them. Members requested clarification regarding the data around staff leaving the Council, whether there was an increased turnover in Operational Services and whether the data included those who may have left one role but remained employed by the Council. It was confirmed this information would be shared outside of the meeting.
The Chairman highlighted that the recent peer review had noted and praised the low turnover of staff at the Council.
With the Committee confirming satisfaction with the contents of the report, and no requirement for a vote, the Recruitment Controls Discussion Paper was DULY NOTED.