Issue - meetings

Meeting: 12/12/2024 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 87)

Thurrock/APSE Litigation Update

Additional documents:


Members considered a report which sought to update the Committee on the current position relating to the legal action being pursued by Thurrock Borough Council.


In presenting the report the Section 151 Officer outlined why West Lindsey had been named as one of the 23 Councils against which action was been filed.


Debate ensued and Members asked a number of questions pertinent to the matter.  Members thanked Officers for a clear precise report for what was a legally complex matter. The merits or otherwise of the action being taken by Thurrock Borough Council were debated, as were the merits of APSE.


All were supportive of the action taken to-date by Officers which sought to provide additional time and keep any costs to a minimum. Recognising the multiple litigations which were ongoing, and the challenges being made, the final outcome was difficult to predict.  Costs were currently being shared equally amongst the 23 named Councils and spend to date was clearly set out in the report provided.


Members suggested that all Member appointments should be reviewed to ensure the Council was not open to similar risks going forward.  It was also suggested that there should be thorough scrutiny of APSE and its role.


Given the report was for information and noting purposes, with no requirement for a vote, the Committee formally received the information and NOTED the current deadlines.


Members further NOTED that if further funding was required between now and the next Committee meeting, up to £10K would be vired (under delegated powers of the Section 151 Officer) from the forecast year end underspend to fund further advice.


Further reports would be submitted to the Committee as the matter progressed.