Issue - meetings

Meeting: 13/02/2025 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 111)

111 Committee Timetable 2025/26 for approval and Draft Timetable for 2026/27 for noting pdf icon PDF 164 KB

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The Senior Democratic and Civic Officer introduced the annual Committee Timetable report for consideration, and explained it was for Members to consider and approve the timetable for the 2025/26 civic year, and note the early indicated dates for 2026/27. She drew Members’ attention to section two of the report, where there were a number of changes detailed which had been incorporated into the timetable for approval. Members were specifically asked to consider the suggested change for Annual Council to move to 19 May 2025 (from 12 May), accepting that the predominant reason for this change was no longer valid.


Members of the Committee expressed their support for the proposed timetable, including the amendments provided in section two. With regard to the date of Annual Council in May 2025, it was requested that the original date of 12 May 2025 be kept, as several smaller councils had arranged their annual meetings around the previously published West Lindsey District Council timetable. The Committee expressed their collective agreement with this.


Having been moved, seconded, and voted upon, it was


            RESOLVED that


a)    the timetable for the 2025/26 civic year, with Annual Council to be held on 12 May 2025, be approved, and the indicative committee dates for the year 2026/27 be noted; and


b)    indicative committee dates be presented annually for approval, with each subsequent report noting any changes proposed from the previous version noted.