Commercial Food Waste Collections
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Members heard from the Director of Change Management, ICT & Regulatory Services who explained that the Environmental Act 2021 required all non-household premises in England, excluding micro-firms (businesses with fewer than 10 full-time equivalent employees), to comply with the separation and presentation of food waste, diverting it from general waste streams by 31 March 2025. The report looked at the options for the Council to respond to the mandatory commercial collections offering, which commenced a year earlier than the household food waste collections. It was explained that for the period of one year (2025/2026) the preferred option was to offer a standalone service to commercial customers, as detailed in Option 1, Scenario 3 within the report. From the following year (2026/2027 onwards) the household food waste collections would begin, with the commercial collections being co-mingled with the household collections.
Members of both Committees expressed their support for the provision of a commercial food waste collection service. The drawbacks of other options were discussed, with Members being in agreement that the presented preferred option was sensible and achievable.
Having been proposed and seconded, the Prosperous Communities Committee’s recommendation was put to the vote.
In accordance with the concurrent procedure, following an alphabetical roll call, with a total of 13 votes cast in favour, and with no votes against or abstentions it was
RESOLVED that option 1, scenario 3, for the implementation of a commercial food waste collection service, from April 2025, to then be co-mingled with household collections from April 2026, be recommended to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee for approval.
The Corporate Policy and Resources Committee confirmed they were content to move straight to the vote on their respective recommendation.
Again, in accordance with the concurrent procedure, following an alphabetical roll call, with a total of 14 votes cast in favour, and with no votes against or abstentions it was
RESOLVED that the recommendation from the Prosperous Communities Committee to implement option 1, scenario 3, for the provision of a commercial food waste collection service, from April 2025, to then be co-mingled with household collections from April 2026, be approved.