Issue - meetings

Meeting: 03/04/2018 - Challenge and Improvement Committee (Item 80)

80 C&I Annual Report pdf icon PDF 204 KB

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The Chairman introduced the Challenge and Improvement Annual Report to the Committee and invited comments or additions from Members. A Member of Committee commented that it was heartening to see the achievements of the Committee over the previous twelve months and felt the report captured the work of the Committee in a nutshell.


Following the issues highlighted by Chief Inspector Brinn with regards to dealing with individuals with health issues, and coupled with the comments from Councillor Mrs Bibb relating to the work of the Health Commission, it was suggested that further work could be done in the coming year to support these areas. This could be achieved through the invited guests, such as the East Midlands Ambulance Service or LIVES and would be reviewed in line with the work plan in the new Civic Year.


There was further discussion regarding the work covered by the Committee over the past year and it was subsequently




a)    Members noted the content of the draft annual report; and


b)    Members supported this Annual Report being submitted to Annual Council; and


c)    any comments made through the course of debate be further considered by the Head of Paid Service and Chairman of the Committee prior to the finalised report being submitted to Annual Council in May 2018.