Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Marshall's Yard, Gainsborough, DN21 2NA
Contact: Katie Storr 01427 676594
No. | Item |
To Vary the Order of the Agenda Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and in doing sought Committee’s approval to vary the order of the agenda, taking published agenda item 7 prior to agenda items 5 and 6.
Having been proposed and seconded, it was: -
RESOLVED that the order of the agenda be varied as detailed above.
To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting - 20 December 2021 PDF 195 KB To approve and sign as a correct record, the Minutes of the Meeting of the Chief Officer Employment Committee held on 20 December 2021.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Chief Officer Employment Committee held on 20 December 2021 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Members Declarations of Interest Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at this point in the meeting.
Exclusion of Public and Press To resolve that under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Minutes: RESOLVED that under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
To Receive Recruitment Re-fresher Training Presentation Minutes: The Interim Assistant Director of Democratic and People and Monitoring Officer provided the Committee with brief refresher training in respect of recruitment.
The training focussed on:-
· The aim for the day; · The Committee’s responsibilities, including those in respect of the Equality Act 2010 · Questioning techniques and styles and the benefits of each · Questions to be avoided · How the remainder of the Committee Meeting would be held · How to record information received during the interview · The scoring sheets, scoring criteria, significant importance of note keeping to justify the decision made, and the retention status of score sheets
At the conclusion of the presentation, the Monitoring Officer also advised that the Committee’s decision, in respect of the Section 151 element of the post, constitutionally, would require ratification from Full Council.
To Receive Feedback from Day 1 Activities and Performance of Candidates Minutes: Members received feedback from the Consultants as to the process the candidates had been through to-date and the purpose of the exercises. This had included written information, technical interviews, a meeting with key partners, a meeting with Management Team colleagues and a 1-2-1 session.
The outcome of psychological testing exercises for the candidates were shared with the Committee, and those areas where further probing had been undertaken were highlighted.
The current market factors were stressed to the Committee. Members noted the number of applications received, the shortlisting process which had ensued and the number of candidates considered at each stage, with some having chosen to withdraw.
To Finalise Interview Arrangements Including Questions and Scoring Criteria Minutes: Members were provided with a copy of the Applicant’s Supporting statement and CV, together with the previously agreed Job Description and Person Specification, to assist them in their deliberations.
A set of draft questions had been compiled, sufficient for each Member to be able to ask a question. These were shared with the Committee and it was agreed who would ask each question.
The questions had been designed to address and assess key areas of the Job Description and person specification. In respect of a number of the questions, guidance was given as to what “good” answers would demonstrate.
Having been given the opportunity to peruse the draft questions and other supporting information the questions were APPROVED.
All Members were provided with appropriate scoring sheets and reminded of the need to make appropriate notes thereon, in support of any decision they made.
Confirmation was provided that supplementary questioning would be permitted, if considered relevant.
Note: The Committee formally adjourned at 11.10 am in preparation for the formal interview commencing at 11.30am
The meeting re-convened with the Candidate entering the Chamber at 11.00am. The Monitoring Officer and the Democratic and Elections Team Manager withdrew from the meeting for the formal interview.
Formal Interview for the Post of Director of Corporate Services / Section 151 Minutes: The Committee welcomed the Candidate to the meeting and having given a short presentation Members posed the agreed interview questions to the Candidate and responses were duly received.
Supplementary questioning followed.
The Candidate was thanked for their attendance and left the meeting.
Note: The Monitoring Officer and Democratic and Elections Team Manager returned to the meeting for the deliberations and recording of the decision.
Deliberations and Appointment Minutes: Members shared their views in light of the information the Candidate had provided during the interview. Question scoring was shared and discussed.
Ms Salisbury also provided her professional feedback.
Having considered all of the information provided by the Candidate and the Candidate’s Statement, and having had a discussion around the level of remuneration the Candidate should be appointed at, it was: -
(a) the Candidate (Ms Emma Foy) be appointed to the post of Director of Corporate Services and Section 151 Officer;
(b) the appointment of Section 151 Officer be RECOMMENDED to full Council for approval; and
(c) the Candidate be appointed on a salary range of £75k – £85k (and up to £90,000 for an exceptional candidate) and authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Committee to determine the commencement salary and commencement date.
Administrative Actions Minutes: Each individual Member’s scoring sheet was signed off and handed to the Interim Assistant Director for People and Organisational Development Manager for retention.