Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions
Contact: Ele Snow Senior Democratic and Civic Officer
No. | Item |
Welcome from the Chairman Additional documents: Minutes: On opening the meeting the Chairman welcomed all present and extended a warm welcome to Emma Foy, Director of Corporate Services and S151 Officer, who had recently joined the council.
The Chairman explained to the Committee that request had been made to vary the agenda so that, on entering closed session, agenda item 8b, CCTV Service, be heard first, transposing that with agenda item 8a, Levelling Up Fund Resources.
This suggestion was formally proposed and seconded, and, on taking the vote it was
RESOLVED that the agenda be varied, with agenda item 8b to be heard prior to agenda item 8a. |
Public Participation Period Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each. Additional documents: Minutes: There was no public participation. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting/s PDF 147 KB To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee held on 14 April 2022 were APPROVED and signed as a correct record.
The minutes of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee held on 24 March 2022 were NOTED. |
Declarations of Interest Members may make declarations of Interest at this point or may make them at any point in the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor M. Snee declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to the report regarding Levelling Up Fund Resources, stating that as a close family member was involved in the Levelling Up workstream, she would not participate in the discussion and would retire from the Chamber. |
Matters Arising Schedule PDF 142 KB Setting out current position of previously agreed actions as at 8 June 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: With no comments or questions from Members, the Matters Arising Schedule was DULY NOTED. |
Asbestos Management Policy PDF 701 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report presented by the Director of Corporate Services explaining that the Asbestos Management Policy and subsequent supporting guidance set out the Council’s procedures to ensure that the Authority actively managed the property estate, and committed to compliance with all relevant Health and Safety legislation regarding the management of asbestos containing materials (ACM’s). Members heard that the policy, its procedures and approaches, was produced to ensure that the risk from known or suspected ACMs within Council premises or controlled buildings was adequately managed, as far as was reasonably practicable, in order that no one would come to any harm from the exposure to Asbestos Fibres.
The supporting guidance detailed the responsibilities of the Council, its employees, contractors and regular building users with regards to the legal duty to manage ACMs under Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Additionally, the description, identification and responsibilities of the “Duty holders” were presented along with the four essential steps of compliance, the legislative framework and the emergency procedure to be taken should suspected ACMs be disturbed. It was noted that the guidance concluded with advice on Asbestos training, training regimes, guidance for the procurement of contractors and links to further external resource data/information. Members were also informed that an additional statement had been included in light of the Council’s Environmental and Sustainability Strategy, recognising the strategy within the Asbestos Management Policy and the commitment to carbon net zero.
In response to a question regarding the responsibilities of Members in relation to the policy, it was explained that whilst Elected Councillors were not duty holders, there was a level of corporate responsibly whereby Members should bring any issues regarding asbestos that they were aware of to the attention of Officers, in order that concerns could be addressed.
Having been moved and seconded it was unanimously
a) the Asbestos Management Policy be approved; and
b) minor housekeeping amendments to the policy be delegated to the Director of Corporate Services in consultation with the Chairman of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee. |
Appointment of Shareholder Representative PDF 139 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Corporate Services introduced the second report of the evening, seeking to nominate the Shareholder Representative for the Council’s company interests and to nominate the Company Secretary of the Council’s commercial trading companies. It was explained that the Council had the legal power to establish and operate trading companies, which could be wholly owned by West Lindsey District Council in order to enable the Council to take advantage of the powers to trade for profit introduced under the Local Government Act 2003, where opportunities to do so came about, and it was appropriate to use the company as a vehicle for the trading activity proposed.
It was explained that, in addition, under the “general power of competence” introduced by Section 1 of the Localism Act 2011, local authorities now had a general power that enabled them to do anything that a private individual was entitled to do, subject to certain statutory limitations. It was noted that actions taken for a commercial purpose, even under the Localism Act 2011, must be undertaken through a company. Under the Companies Act 2006 there was no legal requirement to have a Company Secretary, however, the Council saw this as a role which would promote and ensure good governance and financial management.
Following the resignation of Tracey Bircumshaw, Company Secretary, it was recommended that Peter Davy was nominated as Company Secretary upon his commencement on 1 August 2022. Additionally, the Director of Corporate Services was nominated as the appointed Shareholder Representative.
With the Committee expressing understanding of these arrangements, and having been moved and seconded, it was unanimously
a) the appointment of the Director of Corporate Services (S151) as the Shareholder Representative, for WLDC Trading Ltd and associated companies and to include Market Street Renewal Ltd, be approved; and
b) the appointment of Peter Davy (Financial Services Manager (Deputy S151)) as Company Secretary for WLDC Trading Ltd, WLDC Staffing Services Ltd, and Surestaff (Lincs) Ltd from 1 August 2022, be approved. |
Annual Treasury Management Report 2021/22 PDF 693 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members gave consideration to the Annual Treasury Management report, providing details of Annual Treasury Management activities and prudential indicators for 2021-22 in accordance with the Local Government Act 2003. It was explained this would be reported to Full Council for approval.
Note: Councillor R. Patterson arrived.
There was significant concern expressed by Members regarding the current national financial situation, with interest rates rising and likely to continue to do so. Members were offered assurance that such increases in interest rates were monitored closely, with relevant action taken as necessary, with advice sought from independent treasury advisors.
Members of the Committee emphasised the need for financial stability for the Council given the national picture, with further assurance being provided regarding, for example, the Council’s borrowing strategy.
On being proposed and seconded, the Chairman called the vote and it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Annual Treasury Management Report and actual Prudential Indicators 2021/22 be proposed to Full Council for approval. |
Budget and Treasury Monitoring Final Outturn 2021/2022 PDF 545 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee heard from the Business Support Team Leader with a report detailing the Budget and Treasury Monitoring Final Outturn 2021/2022. It was explained that this was the final outturn report following the closure of accounts, subject to the audit of the statement of accounts. In relation to revenue activity, the final position was a net contribution to reserves of £1.612m. £0.828m of which were approved carry forwards into 2022/23. This left a surplus balance of £0.784m. This was an increase in surplus of £0.597m from the position reported to the Committee in April as the quarter four forecast outturn. Details of the movement were listed at section 2.2 of the report, however Members heard that the two significant items which made up this movement were:
1. New burdens grants of £0.327m, paid to the Council to support the administration of covid support payments – in the main, services had been able to contain the delivery of grants within existing budget provision and it was therefore possible to include this in the overall surplus position at year end.
2. there had been a reduction in bad debt provision for Housing Benefits of £0.21m. The Housing Benefits team had worked hard to actively reduce outstanding debt, and had reduced the balance by just under £0.5m during 21/22. Combined with the work they had also undertaken to reduce the instances of new overpayment cases, the level of provision required had significantly reduced, resulting in a positive impact on the revenue accounts. It was explained that Members were asked to approve that £0.25m of the year end surplus be carried forward into 22/23 to support service resourcing. Due to the current high inflation rates, there was a risk of an increased pay award for 22/23 above the budgeted 2%. The proposed carry forward would provide for a 4% pay award. The remaining balance of £0.534m was to be transferred to the general fund working balance – increasing the balance to £5.4m, which was £2.9m above the minimum working balance of £2.5m.
In relation to the financial impact of Covid-19, there was a balance of £0.691m in the covid support reserve, £0.232m had been committed in future years, leaving an unallocated balance of £0.459m.
In the fees and charges section of the report at 2.4, Members were asked to approve an amendment to the fees and charges schedule for DBS checks included on the schedule for licensing. The fee was set by the Disclosure and Barring service and the Council was notified of the amendment in April. The amendment was a reduction from £44 to £38.
With regard to capital schemes, the final outturn position was £7.812m against a revised budget of £10.326m - £2.838m had been requested as carry forwards into 22/23, and £0.324m being the net overspend on scheme budgets. The main variation from the position reported to Members at quarter four was the carry forward of £0.337m for the cinema land where only the land deposit had been paid in ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Progress & Delivery Quarter Four PDF 122 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Change, Project and Performance Officer presented the Progress and Delivery report for quarter four (January – March) and year-end 2021/22. It was explained that, as this was an exceptions report, the Officer would run through each portfolio highlighting the measures that had performed above or below target for two consecutive periods. It was noted that there was a correction to be made within the quarter 4 report in terms of the percentages, explaining that 45% of measures had exceeded their targets, 32% were within tolerance and 23% were performing below the agreed target. In addition, 71% of measures had exceeded their targets for two quarters or more while the remaining 29% had been below target for two quarters or more. Overall performance had improved on the last quarter with 77% of measures within tolerance or above compared with 65% in quarter three. In addition, measures exceeding target had also improved with 71% of measures exceeding target compared with 59% in quarter three.
Corporate Health Members heard that all measures regarding % of calls answered in 21 seconds were either above target or within tolerance, meaning corporate health reported a good overall performance. The measure CH12 had been removed within the 22/23 measure set as it had not presented an accurate representation of the call handling within the council.
Finance and Property The rental portfolio voids reported at above target for at least two previous quarters, with voids at 3%. There were no measures reporting below target within the finance and property portfolio.
Homes and Communities There were 3 performance measures which had performed above target for at least two consecutive quarters, these being long term empty properties as a % of all housing stock; number of households which had been housed from the housing register (removed 22/23) and homeless prevention (amended 22/23 to homeless approaches with positive outcomes). Four measures had performed under target for at least the previous two consecutive periods, these measures related to home choices and homes, health and wellbeing. For home choices the measures below tolerance for two consecutive periods were regarding the number of nights spent in B&B accommodation and Homeless prevention cases as a % of total approaches. In terms of the number of nights spent in B&B accommodation, whilst this had increased from the last quarter it had decreased from quarter 4 20/21 which was at 512 nights and all contracted temporary accommodation had remained full during quarter 4. Delays with moving on, due to issues outside of the Council’s control, had contributed to the increase. In addition the protect and vaccinate programme, which required additional temporary accommodation, also contributed.
For homes health and wellbeing, the measures below tolerance related to the average number of days from DFG referral to completion and long-term empty properties brought back into use. Starting with the average number of days from DFG referral to completion this was to be amended in 22/23 measure set in order for performance to be measured from the receipt ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Committee Work Plan PDF 210 KB Additional documents: Minutes: With no comments or questions, the work plan was DULY NOTED. |
Exclusion of Public and Press To resolve that under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Note: The meeting entered closed session at 7.45pm. Councillor M. Devine left the Chamber and returned at 7.47pm
CCTV Service Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report presented by the Head of Paid Service in relation to providing 24/7 monitoring within the CCTV service. It was explained that the 24/7 monitoring would be a part of a package of measures, working with local businesses and police, aiming for the prevention of crime.
Members were, on the whole, supportive of the proposals, detailing specific issues they have experienced in their wards. There were questions raised as to how effective CCTV was, both in the prevention of crime and in identifying perpetrators, in answer to which examples of recent cases were provided.
A Member of the Committee noted his objections to the proposals, stating he felt it too costly with insufficient evidence of success in the aims of prevention. Suggestions were made regarding working with other agencies in order to prevent young people becoming involved in antisocial and criminal behaviour, to which it was confirmed there was such work undertaken across the district.
There was discussion regarding recruitment to the role of CCTV Operator, with Members noting the current national circumstances, whereby there were more jobs available than applicants. This was recognised however it was hoped that recruitment would be underway as a priority, should funding be agreed.
With regard to how CCTV could be used in alternative situations, it was requested that consideration be given to the use of CCTV in the prevention of fly-tipping, and identification of those responsible. It was noted that this would be raised with Enforcement Officers in conjunction with the CCTV Service.
On being moved and seconded, the Chairman took the vote and it was
RESOLVED that up to £80,000 be approved to deliver 24/7 monitoring within the CCTV Service for a 12 month pilot.
Note: Councillor J. McNeill requested that his vote against the proposal be recorded.
Note: Councillor M. Snee left the meeting at 8.30pm |
Levelling Up Fund Resources Minutes: The Levelling Up Fund Programme Manager presented a report to the Committee regarding the progress and spend achieved in 2021/22 and seeking approval for the next tranche of expenditure on the programme.
Members were satisfied with the progress to date and were provided assurance that as each element of the project progressed and detailed designs and work programmes were confirmed, updates would be brought back to Members; specifically, where there were identified ongoing revenue implications and where input into final design approval was required.
With unanimous support, and having been moved and seconded, it was
a) approval be given to spend the remaining £8.299m of the Thriving Gainsborough Levelling Up Programme, capital budget as per the Bid submission; and
b) Appendix 1 of the report be approved as the revised budget profile for the programme; and
c) a future report be presented to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, detailing the business case and options for Public Realm interventions (Market, Park and Pocket Park) for approval.
With no further business, the Chairman thanked all present for their time and contributions and brought the meeting to a close. |