Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions
Contact: Ele Snow Democratic and Civic Officer
No. | Item | |||||||||
Public Participation Period Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each. Additional documents: Minutes: There was no public participation at this point in the meeting.
To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting i) Meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 6 October 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee was advised of an amendment that had been made in relation to the advice from the Legal Adviser for application number 141702. The printed minutes to be signed by the Chairman included this amendment and the published minutes on the website had also been updated.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 6 October 2021 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.
Declarations of Interest Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor I. Fleetwood declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to application number 143260 (agenda item 6b) in that he was a member of the Parish Council for Cherry Willingham. He stated that he had not discussed the application with anyone and had not had contact with the applicant or registered speaker.
Councillor C. Hill declared a non-pecuniary interest regarding application 143260 (agenda item 6b) in that she had received an email as Ward Member regarding the application but had not responding and would remain as a Member of the Planning Committee for the item.
Update on Government/Local Changes in Planning Policy
Note – the status of Neighbourhood Plans in the District may be found via this link
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee heard from the Development Management Team Leader with the following update on Neighbourhood Plans in the district.
143250 Blyton Ponds, Blyton Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the first application of the evening, planning application number 143250, for change of use from holiday park to 9no. retirement homes for the over 50s, at Blyton Ponds, Station Road, Blyton. The Committee heard that there had been an update regarding growth levels, with there now being a growth level of two dwellings in Blyton, compared with the stated ‘zero growth’ in the report. This would alter the excess of properties through this application from an excess of seven properties, down from the stated figure of nine.
The Chairman explained there were two registered speakers for the application, the first being a statement to be read aloud from the Parish Council. The Democratic and Civic Officer read the following statement.
“Unfortunately no one from Blyton Parish Council is able to attend the Planning Committee meeting tonight. However council would like to make written representation.
Blyton Parish Council is not against the application per se but it has grave concerns about the potential of the development to exacerbate flooding in the village. Surface water flooding is already a big problem in Blyton with houses and businesses on the High Street and houses on Station Road having to be pumped out on a number of occasions over the past few years. In fact houses on Station Road in the proximity of the application site have been flooded earlier this year.
Surface water from Station Road drains into the Wash Dyke which runs close by this development and already floods the village higher up on the High Street. The potential of development of this site into permanent residences could pose further problems, for example the addition of hard standing for vehicles and impermeable garden surfaces.
Should the Planning Committee decide to approve this application, Blyton Parish Council requests that conditions be used to eliminate further risk.”
The Chairman invited the second speaker, Mr James Roberts, speaking in support of the application, to address the committee. Mr Roberts made the following statement.
“Thank you Chair and members of the committee. This application essentially seeks to swap 12 holiday lodges for nine permanent homes for people over the age of 50. These homes will be high quality lodges rather than a traditional construction. This development would therefore deliver the type of accommodation which brings wider societal benefits, as it would help provide for the ageing population in West Lindsey.
We are pleased to see that the case officer and consultees have no concerns relating to the technical impacts of the scheme. In particular, it is very clear that the proposal would not have any adverse impacts in relation to flood risk, drainage, highway safety or land contamination. It seems clear the sole issue, which has resulted in the recommendation for refusal, relates to the matter of community support.
Prior to the submission of the application, the applicant contacted the parish council to see whether they would be able to support the proposal. Unfortunately, the parish council would not confirm either way. The ... view the full minutes text for item 61. |
143260 Land South of Welsey Road, Cherry Willingham Additional documents: Minutes: The second application was introduced by the Chairman, application number 143260 an entry level exception site for erection of 21no. affordable dwellings - phase 3, on land to South of Wesley Road, Cherry Willingham. The Committee heard the following update from the Planning Officer. It was requested that committee delegate back to officers to grant planning permission subject to: - completion of a bi-lateral section 106 agreement securing the proposal as an entry level exceptions site and the management and maintenance of the on-site public open space; - receipt of a unilateral undertaking securing public bridleway access through the field to the south of the application site to Green Lane; - resolution of surface water drainage matters; and - evidence of agreement in principle from an adjacent landowner to construction road provision.
With regard to drainage design, the fee proposal had been obtained on the day prior to the meeting for the engineer to prepare designs for the drainage and connection into existing attenuation / pumping station, works ongoing with drainage. Regarding the unilateral undertaking for bridleway, the final engrossed unilateral undertaking had been received from the solicitors. The client’s solicitors were preparing an ‘associated grant of the right of access’. In relation to the S106 for affordable housing and open space, the Final Clean Version of the agreement was sent to WLDC on 19 October.
Additionally, regarding the Haul Road access, Cherry Tree Homes originally proposed having the Haul road cutting diagonally across the field from Franklin Way. However, the adjoining land owner objected as his agricultural vehicles could only operate in straight lines. He would not be able to farm the cut off area of the field due to its triangular shape and relatively small size. The adjoining land owner of the east field had agreed in principal to Cherry Tree Homes having the access across his site. However, he was not currently willing to agree in writing to an exact route until Cherry Tree Homes paid him for the access.
The Chairman noted there were two registered speakers and invited the first, Mr Adam Skidmore from LK2 Architects, to address the Committee. Mr Skidmore made the following statement.
“Thank you, Chairman and Members of the Committee. My name is Adam Skidmore from LK2 Architects speaking in support of the application. This site has been subject to a number of historic planning applications. Previous planning submissions and subsequent appeal decisions of the site have determined that for locational purposes the site is acceptable for the development of residential housing.
The proposal is for an entry level exception site, which meets the requirements of paragraph 71 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Whilst the development of this site would extend the existing built farm of the settlement, the proposed scheme for 21 affordable homes demonstrates exceptional reasons to justify the granting of a residential scheme on the site. The proposal will help to meet the identified much needed demand for affordable housing in ... view the full minutes text for item 62. |
143099 South Kelsey Cricket Club, Holton le Moor Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the final application of the evening, application number 143099, for change of use from a sports pavilion to therapy centre at South Kelsey Cricket Club, Caistor Road, Holton Le Moor. The Committee heard from the Planning Officer that Ward Member Councillor T. Regis had wished to lodge his approval and support for the application and had submitted the following statement: “I appreciate Caistor Cricket Club’s opinion as a duty to Sport England however the reality is that the field is no longer used for anything other than left fallow and will remain so. This application will enable a use again for this area and will help to support WLDC in our plight to continuously grow the economy.”
The Chairman noted there was one registered speaker and invited Mr Richard Alderson to address the Committee. Mr Alderson made the following statement.
“Good evening Chair and members of the planning committee. My name is Richard Alderson and I am the agent for the applicant, Gail Hyman. The application which is recommended for approval is for the change of use of a disused cricket pavilion and grounds at Holton le Moor to an indoor and outdoor therapy centre to provide counselling and therapy services to children, young people and adults. The site was selected by the applicant because it offered a private setting and a beautiful location eminently suitable for delivering therapeutic health to improve the mental health and general being within a rural community.
The applicant Gail Hyman current currently operates an online therapy service for vulnerable people from her home in Middle Rasen. Mrs. Hyman also works with young children at the Rainbow Preschool Nursery which is sited at Caistor Primary School where she is the manager. This follows 20 years of experience working in childcare, often involving working with children requiring support for additional needs. Mrs. Hyman was given the opportunity to take the tenancy of an area of land atop the moor, which was formerly the Lysaghts Sports Club Cricket Club pavilion and field. The tenancy also includes part of the adjoining woodland to the northwest of the pavilion as you saw on the map.
The application attracted a lot of interest and support from local people, as well as general observations from others. When the application was first mooted in a pre-application, the case officer raised various hurdles to be overcome if the proposal were to have any chance of approval. All of these points have been addressed to the satisfaction of the case officer. Outstanding issues for him came down to highways and the change of use of a community facility. The Highways objections were overcome by changing the site access from a potentially dangerous location to one that represents no hazard to the highway. A planning condition requiring a traffic management plan to request all visitors to the centre to use the entrance and access as shown in the application plans is suggested by the Planning Officer.
Sport England have ... view the full minutes text for item 63. |
Determination of Appeals Additional documents:
Minutes: The Determination of Appeals was DULY NOTED.