Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions
Contact: Andrew Warnes Democratic and Civic Officer
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Public Participation Period Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each. Additional documents: Minutes: There was no public participation at this point in the meeting.
To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting i) Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 5 January 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 5 January 2022 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.
Declarations of Interest Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor I. Fleetwood declared that several emails had been received in relation to application number 143728 (agenda item 6a). It was likely this declaration was valid for all Members of the Committee. The Chairman stated that whilst he had skim-read all correspondence received, he declared it did not affect his judgement of the application as presented at the meeting.
Councillors A. White, R. Patterson, J. Milne, M. Devine, J. Rainsforth and R. Waller also declared that they had received the emails but remained unbiased in respect of the presented application.
Update on Government/Local Changes in Planning Policy
Note – the status of Neighbourhood Plans in the District may be found via this link
Additional documents: Minutes: Members heard an update provided by the Planning Manager. He confirmed, whilst there were no updates regarding policy, the Corringham Neighbourhood Plan had been received by Full Council and was now afforded ‘Full Weight’ in planning decisions. The Officer also noted that the examinations of the Sturton by Stow and Stow joint Neighbourhood Plans were underway, with this now being afforded ‘Increasing Weight’. The Officer also detailed that the Hemswell Neighbourhood Plan was under consideration.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the first application of the meeting, application number 143728, to erect 49no. dwellings on the Land North of Hawks Road, Welton. This item had been deferred from the Committee's previous meeting, with a site visit having taken place in the intervening time.
The Chairman stated that Members needed to consider their positions regarding their past attendance at the previous meeting and the site visit, as several new Members of the Committee had not been involved in either the previous meeting or the site visit. The Chairman explained that only those who had attended should consider voting.
The Officer gave an update on the application. The Section 106 agreement had been signed and was with the legal officer for completion. Anglian Water had submitted a new consultee response declaring the surface water drainage scheme as acceptable but the Officer did not recommend a condition. The role of the Lead Local Flood Authority had remained unchanged in condition 7. The Officer also noted that the applicant had suggested an amended condition 3 due to flora. The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust had commented that the flora on the site required a grassland survey, which was reflected in the updated condition. This was in reference to avoidance and mitigation, following comments from the Officer from Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust to have legal constraints in line with the Local Plan. The condition was sent to the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Officer who agreed with the condition.
The Officer then presented slides of a newly submitted indicative landscaping plan from the agent regarding condition 11. However, the Officer stated that this had not been considered in detail by himself or the authority’s landscape officer. The Officer then went through additional slides of the types of houses proposed for the site. These included photos of the site, including the path along the eastern boundary.
Note: The meeting was adjourned at 6.46pm owing to a technical issue. The meeting reconvened at 6.53pm
The Chairman stated there were two registered speakers on the application and invited the first speaker, Mr Foster, Applicant, to address the Committee.
During his statement, Mr Foster summarised the key attributes of the proposed site. He responded to comments and queries made by Members at the previous meeting. The speaker stated that Lincolnshire County Council had given their comments about the highway access and raised no objections to the access. The speaker also gave specific points to pedestrian access, with the existing right of ways being retained. The speaker asserted that Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust had also stated that no protected species were seen on-site and that no wildlife delegation had been made for the site.
Note: Councillor D. Dobbie arrived at 6:56 pm
Mr Foster then stated that the Wildlife Trust had given consent to the Neighbourhood and Local Plans for Welton. The speaker also confirmed that a monetary contribution to Welton Surgery would also be made. Members of the Committee heard that Lincolnshire County Council had stated there were sufficient spaces for primary school ... view the full minutes text for item 93. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the second application of the meeting, application number 142855, for approval of an Automotive Research and Development Centre at Blyton Park Driving Centre, Kirton Road, Blyton. The Presenting Officer stated that there were no further updates for the Committee’s consideration. The Officer then gave a short presentation on the application, highlighting the proposed site plans, buildings, the height of the wind turbines, and photos looking at the existing site both on site, and from nearby public roads, including the A159 and the access point on Kirton Road.
The Chairman stated there were again two registered speakers for the application and invited the first, Mr Alistair Wood, Agent for the Applicant, to address the Committee. Mr Wood made the following statement:
“Good evening Chairman, Members of the Committee. My name is Alistair Wood and I am the agent for the application, here to speak on behalf of the applicants.
I am accompanied by Mr Alan Mugglestone, Director of Operations at the Blyton Park Driving Centre.
As reported - this application is seeking permission to proceed with the development of an ancillary Research & Development Facility, at the long-established driving centre.
The intention is to provide research and development facilities, principally in relation electric vehicle technology - necessary - in order to diversify the business in synergy with the automotive industry, in general.
At present there are no facilities at Blyton Park for electric vehicles but it is considered necessary to make EV provision, in order to diversify and sustain the business into the future.
The proposed development is being advanced as very much a concept — a concept based on sustainability - from which electric vehicles can be operated and within which they can be wholly charged from on-site renewable sources - the proposed wind turbines and solar panels.
This development will help to diversify the existing Driving Centre business; bolster the local economy by continuing to generate spin-off benefits in respect of other local businesses, and will also generate new employment opportunities within the local area.
I can advise that the existing Driving Centre is currently operating at capacity - within its constraints - with vehicles using the circuit almost every day - and on this basis must be considered a success, as far as the local economy is concerned.
The Driving Centre is also operated in a highly professional and responsible manner. Noise generation is strictly monitored on-site every day - and there are electronic logs that the Council’s Environmental Protection Officers of the Council - inspect periodically.
As a consequence of this open relationship, it is pointed out that there is no long list of formal complaint or actions in respect of the existing use - as the existing activities operate within self-imposed and agreed restrictions.
I have made this statement because a number of representations have been made about potential increased noise generation, as a consequence of the proposed development – This will not be the case.
By making provision for electric vehicle technology at ... view the full minutes text for item 94. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the final application of the meeting, application number 143965, for the advertisement consent to display 1no. non-illuminated fascia sign at Nettleham Community Hub, Nettleham Library, 1 East Street, Nettleham. The Chairman made the declaration that the applicant, Councillor J. Oliver, was elected to West Lindsey District Council in the process of this application, and was somewhat known to the Committee.
The Planning Manger stated that the rules in the wake of the pandemic on planning matters for outdoor-focused food and drink establishments had been relaxed, and that Members should only consider the provisions of the development plan, so far as they are material, in addition to the amenity and public safety regarding the advertisement. The Officer also reminded that any other issue regarding the building should not be considered.
The Chairman stated there were two registered speakers, both of whom had submitted statements to be read on their behalf. He invited the Democratic Services Officer to read the first statement, from Councillor J. Oliver, the applicant. The following statement was read aloud.
“Hello Council. I would like to disclose that I am Cllr. Oliver of Nettleham ward but acting as Jaime Oliver on behalf of Nettleham Community Hub.
I would like to add that THE HUB’s new sign is black and white, none offensive colours that add class and improved the look of to the building which looked very dated.
Not only has it increased visibility but it has also increased footfall to our Community Hub by advertising a coffee shop inside our HUB.
This also works in synergy with all the other services within the HUB. Increasing awareness and use of the whole building.
We feel we have had overwhelming positive feedback to the new look of the building and only a few people have objected.
The sign has increased our footfall by over 2,000 extra people per month. In comparison to when we had a coffee shop without a sign. Thank-you for your time.”
The Chairman requested that the second statement, from Mr Andrew Blow, be read. The following statement was made. “A sophisticated technical objection about the size of this advertisement in a conservation area has come from Nettleham Parish Council whose chair, Cllr. John Evans, has considerable knowledge of planning matters. This objection was the unanimous view of the Parish Council which I witnessed from the public seats.
As residents living opposite the advertisement, with respect we do not think the Planning Officer’s report pays sufficient attention to the Parish Council’s objections. The size of the advertisement gives the impression that the building is a coffee bar instead of a community centre. We have heard people say they are going to the café or coffee bar and they do not refer to it as the community centre. The advertisement is after all on the elevation of the community centre which most people see.
It is strange to us that the applicant wanting to inflict an advertisement of this size in the ... view the full minutes text for item 95. |
Determination of Appeals Additional documents:
Minutes: The determination of the appeals were NOTED.