Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Marshall's Yard, Gainsborough, DN21 2NA

Contact: Andrew Warnes  Democratic & Civic Officer - 01427 676595


No. Item


Chairman's Update

Additional documents:


Prior to the commencement of the formal business of the meeting, the Chairman made the following announcement:-


“With regard to application number 146424, (agenda item 6(a)), following a submitted amended flood risk assessment, a rerunning of the consultation is required. This means that the Committee cannot consider the application tonight, and it is withdrawn from consideration at this meeting. It will be considered by the Committee after the re-run consultation process.


Furthermore, with regard to application number 146831, (agenda item 6(c)), following the request of the applicant, this application will no longer be considered by the Committee this evening and will be considered at the Committee meeting on 4 October 2023.


All registered public participants on these applications have been notified, and will be afforded the opportunity to speak when their respective applications return.


All other items and reports will be heard in the order in which they are published on the agenda.”




Public Participation Period

Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation.  Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each.

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There was no public participation at this point in the meeting.



To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 290 KB

i)      Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 9 August 2023, previously circulated.

Additional documents:


The Chairman reported that following the last meeting, the Monitoring Officer received correspondence, regarding the legality of the proposers and seconders of the Minutes.


For the purposes of clarification, the Committee was advised that when undertaking the procedural requirement to approve the Minutes of the last meeting there was no legal requirement for the proposer or seconder to have been in that meeting, nor is there any legal requirement to record the proposer, as the decision to accept the Minutes is based on the majority view of voting Committee Members. 


Whilst many Members may choose to abstain from such a vote, when they have not been present, there is no legal or constitutional requirement for them to do so.


The Committee then moved on to deal with the Minutes of the previous meeting and it was proposed, duly seconded and


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 9 August 2023 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.



Declarations of Interest

Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.


Additional documents:


Councillor Velan indicated that with regard to agenda item 6(d) application number 146509 (Land adjacent to Stonefield House, 10 Main Street, Scothern), that though he was the Ward Member for Sudbrooke, that he would be sitting as a Member of the Planning Committee.



Update on Government/Local Changes in Planning Policy


Note – the status of Neighbourhood Plans in the District may be found via this link


Additional documents:


The Committee was advised that there were a number of Government consultations taking place at the moment - one on the nationally significant infrastructure projects process.  There were number of significant infrastructure projects in the West Lindsey District.


There was a consultation on the expansion and extension of permitted development rights giving greater allowances for converting buildings within Areas of outstanding Natural Beauty, such as the Lincolnshire Wolds. Lastly there was a consultation on the local plans process.


Officers were carefully examining the various consultations with a view to submitting a response considered to be in the best interests of the Council.  Members would be provided with a link to the consultation documents and were encouraged to contact the Officers if they would like to see any particular response going forward.


The link to the consultation on permitted development rights was available here: This was scheduled to conclude on 25 September 2023.


The link to the consultation on plan-making reforms and implementation was available here: This was scheduled to conclude on 18 October 2023.


Councillor Fleetwood commented that he had heard a recent announcement concerning a relaxation of the rules relating to onshore wind turbines and asked whether it was intended to report on these proposals to a subsequent meeting.  The Committee was advised that there were no details available as yet, but as soon as they became available, they would be reported to the Committee.



146424 - Land adjacent 51A Washdyke Lane, Nettleham pdf icon PDF 338 KB

Additional documents:


As referred to prior to the commencement of the meeting, the Chairman stated that following a submitted amended flood risk assessment, the consultation was required to be rerun. This meant that the Committee could not consider the application at this meeting and was withdrawn from consideration at this point. It would be considered by the Committee after the re-ran consultation process.



145792 and 146827 - Holme Farm Barns, Old Forge Lane, West Rasen, Market Rasen pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman then invited the Planning Officer to introduce item 6 (b) on the agenda (application numbers 145792 & 146827) relating to planning permission and listed Building Consent for the conversion, partial demolition and rebuilding of the existing cottages, outbuildings and barns, to create three dwellings, one with an annex, together with parking and storage at Holme Farm Barns, Old Forge Lane, West Rasen, Market Rasen.  This was a retrospective application considered appropriate to submit to the Committee, being a departure from the Development Plan.


The Planning Officer updated the Committee on the applications including background information on the pre-application process undertaken.  The Planning Officer advised that because this was a departure from the local plan or considered to be a partial departure from the plan in accordance with section 15 of the Development Procedure Order, the application had been re-advertised and this period ended on the 22 of September 2023.  An extension had been agreed with the agent until the 25 September to meet this period and it was proposed that following resolution by this Committee, the application be delegated to the Case Officer.


The Planning Officer responded to a question from Cllr Fleetwood regarding the use of the word retrospective at the start of the officer’s report.  The planning officer confirmed that this was a typo and this was not a retrospective application.


The Chairman then invited the agent for the applicant to address the Committee, Mr Kevin Coupland who spoke along the following lines:-


“Good evening, Chairman and Members of the Committee, my name is Kevin Coupland and I am here in support of the planning and listed building consent application which is now before you. It relates to the conversion and rebuilding of what is a very impressive range of traditional Lincolnshire farm buildings that sit to the east of the Grade II listed Home Farm farmhouse.  From the outset it has been made clear that the historical form of the barn complex was and remains very important to local authority planning and conservation team.


The previous Conservation Officer advised had that there were very few remaining good examples of traditional Lincolnshire farmsteads and its retention was imperative.  As you can see on slide 3, the retained and reinstated barns will follow the historical footprint indicated on the 1886 OS map extract showing the full regular courtyard arrangement identified in the Historic England historic farmsteads document.


Through lengthy pre-application discussion with the local authority which started in the first quarter of 2021, we have endeavoured to work with both previous and current Conservation Officers, along with the Planning Department's Case Officer, to deliver a scheme which enables the retention and reinstatement of the barns whilst acknowledging and respecting the sensitivity and the setting of the area


The application before you looks to develop a number of barns.  There is a two storey, brick and pantile building which is in good condition and it is proposed that it be converted a detached four bedroom dwelling. (A description of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.


146831 - Land off Barton Street, Keelby pdf icon PDF 227 KB

Additional documents:


As referred to prior to the commencement of the meeting, the Chairman stated that following the request of the applicant, the application would not be considered by the Committee at this meeting and would be considered by the Committee at the next available meeting.



146509 - Land Adjacent to Stonefield House, 10 Main Street, Scothern pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


The Planning Officer introduced item 6 (d) on the agenda (application number 146509) seeking permission for the erection of one detached dwelling on land adjacent to Stonefield House, 10 Main Street, Scothern.  The application was referred to the Committee for determination following the receipt of objections from the Parish Council and local residents.


There were no updates in relation to this application and the Chairman invited the applicant Mandy Aspinall to address the Committee and she commented along the following lines:-


“Good evening I am Mandy Aspinall and I am the owner of Stonefield House and I have lived in Scotland for 45 years.  Tonight I am asking that you accept your planning officer's recommendation in full; we just want the best for the village and the site.  The application, as you have seen, is for a pretty stone built pantiled cottage, with traditional wooden frames.  It is designed and situated to compliment, and enhance the setting of Stonefield House and the nearby St Jermaines Church.  I would like to make four simple points about the proposal, firstly regarding the local support.


On the Council's planning website, there were 18 comments from local residents and only two of which were objections.  Both were made before the important changes that we made to the access and the tree protection.  We made the changes in response to the commentators, including the Conservation Officer, who thought that this would negate any harm to the church setting.  All of the comments made after the changes have been positive and support the proposal with most of them complimenting the design of it and the enhancement that it would give to the village scene, and the relevance of the village architecture and the history.


Also since making the changes, we attended a Parish Council meeting to explain the changes and the site's history,  3 of the 5 Councillors present expressed the view that they no longer wished to object and were happy to leave that decision to this Committee.


Secondly, this is not a commercial venture for us.  It is about our family and family life and village life; we want to provide a home for my elderly parents who have also. We have lived in the village for a long time.  Happily, that would also provide a building in the heart of Scothern, which is exactly the sort of home that the neighbourhood plan says is needed.   It will also be of a style and quality which developers would be unlikely to build because it would commercially unviable.   Thirdly, the relevance of the building to Scothern’s history, culture and the church setting.  The design of the cottage follows a sketch of a 16th century Vicar’s Cottage, which was once built on or very near, to the site. 


Our research shows that in 1576 Scothern’s new vicar Hamlet Marshall took residence in this little cottage with Main Street to the north and the church to the east.  So if this planning application is granted tonight  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Determination of Appeals

As of 29 August 2023, there were no appeal determinations to be noted.

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There were no appeal determinations for noting.