Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Marshall's Yard, Gainsborough, DN21 2NA

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Public Participation Period

Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation.  Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each.

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There was no public participation.


To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 654 KB

i)      Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 27 march 2024, previously circulated.

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.


Declarations of Interest

Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.


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Councillor Fleetwood declared he would abstain from the vote on application 146801 as he was not present at the previous meeting when the decision was deferred. He added that he did attend the site visit and would contribute to the debate.


Councillor Hague declared an interest as the ward member for Dunholme and Welton, application number 146801, and would consider the application with an open mind.


Update on Government/Local Changes in Planning Policy


Note – the status of Neighbourhood Plans in the District may be found via this link


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Members heard that on 2  April 2024, mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) came into force for smaller sites, following its requirement for major developments since February. Introduced under the Environment Act 2021, BNG required a developer to apply a statutory metric to a site prior to its development to give a baseline value to its current biodiversity. Consequently, a development should be looking to achieve at least a 10% uplift in the baseline value following development. Where the developer could not achieve this on site, they would need to buy off-site credits to make up the difference.


On 17 April, the Central Lincolnshire Principal Ecology and Wildlife Officer, Chris Harrison provided training to Councillors on BNG. The session was recorded and slides were circulated to Members. 


On 6 March, the Government launched a consultation on its proposals for “An Accelerated Planning System”. The consultation sought views on proposals to:


·         Introduce a new “fast-track” service for major commercial applications – currently major applications were due to be determined within 13 weeks, unless an extension of time (EoT) was agreed with the developer. It was proposed that a developer could instead pay a higher fee in exchange for a decision within 10 weeks, or they would receive their fee back;


·         Change the use of extensions of time (EoT) – Currently, local planning authorities were expected to determine major development applications in 13 weeks, and non-major applications in 8 weeks, unless an extension of time (EoT) had been agreed in writing with the applicant. The Government proposed to remove the ability to agree an EoT on householder applications, and the ability to seek more than one extension on other applications. The extract below showed how West Lindsey compared with the England average for determining applications within the statutory time period (8/13 weeks) and/or within an agreed extension of time.  


*Year ending Sept 2023

Determined within Statutory Period (8 / 13 weeks)

Determined within statutory period and/or within an agreed EoT



W Lindsey


W Lindsey

Major applications (13wks)





Non-major applications (8wks)





Householders (8wks)






·         Expand the current simplified written representations appeals process for householder and minor commercial appeals to most appeals, being dealt with via written representations – The Government proposed to expand its simplified appeal process across most appeals decided through written representations. This would remove opportunities for parties to provide additional information at the appeal stage.


·         A new process to “vary or amend” an existing planning permission – this was proposed to enable an applicant to make an application to a local planning authority for a new planning permission for development which was not substantially different to that previously granted by an existing planning permission.This would allow the developer to seek to change the description of the development as well as any conditions of permission. At present, an applicant could only seek to change the conditions, but not the description.


Members also heard the following update  ...  view the full minutes text for item 109.


146801 - Land off Eastfield Lane, Welton pdf icon PDF 334 KB

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The Chairman introduced application 146801, to erect 108 dwellings with access to be considered, on land off Eastfield Lane, Welton. The application decision had been deferred from the previous meeting to allow for a site visit to take place to consider the access to the site and impact on the local area. The Planning Officer presented the indicative site plan showing the corner of Eastfield Lane and photographs of viewpoints from the site from the North, South, East and West perspectives. He explained there were no material considerations for Members to be aware of since the previous meeting.


The Chairman thanked the Officer for his presentation and advised the Committee there were five registered speakers.


Councillor Mike Powell, Chair of Welton-by-Lincoln’s Planning and Development Committee addressed the Committee and stated that Welton had been inundated with development to satisfy housing need for the next decade, and planning policy should consider the density of building form, desirability, and preserve the prevailing character and setting of the area. He referred to the Welton Neighbourhood Plan, and quoted the character of area K, Welton East and Welton’s community objective CO2 to integrate new housing that maintains the rural character. He expressed safety concerns and showed photographs of car accidents that had occurred on Eastfield Lane.


Mr Steve Catney, the agent for the site, acknowledged the Planning Officer’s technical presentation and explained he had sympathy with residents, and stressed that due diligence and planning consideration had taken place. He explained that the ransom strip could not be enforced, the access was not required from the West, and Highways implications had been considered in the application report. The safety requirement for visibility was 215m, and the visibility for the site was 330m.


Mr Chris Thomas thanked Members for conducting a site visit and explained that he had approached the Central Lincolnshire Plan team who had responded it was impossible and inappropriate to define a specific density in the Local Plan. He objected to the application and urged Members to consider the density of the site and the local vernacular.


Mr Ian Turvey expressed his concerns relating to the safety of the roads and stated that the site would bring an increase in traffic. He shared that development traffic would need to negotiate the sharp bends. He explained that access was preferred to the West of the site as agreed by the Highway authority and he felt this should be considered, and the proposed passing bays were contrary to planning and transport policy.


Councillor Mrs Diana Rodgers addressed the Planning Committee in her capacity as a local ward member for Dunholme and Welton. She expressed flooding concerns with the increased sewerage, drainage, and impact of the weather on the site. It was hoped that West access would be considered, in addition to the East access, to provide a through route. She urged members to refuse the development site with due regard to the flooding and traffic concerns.


The Planning Officer responded to comments made and considered  ...  view the full minutes text for item 110.


Determination of Appeals pdf icon PDF 124 KB

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With no comments, questions or requirement for a vote, the determination of appeals was NOTED.