Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Epic Centre, Lincolnshire Showground, Lincoln LN2 2NA

Contact: Andrew Warnes  Democratic & Civic Officer


No. Item


Chairman's Statement

Additional documents:


The Chairman advised that the purpose of this meeting was to determine the application for listed building consent as detailed in the Officer’s report (and referred to in the following Minute). Members were not present to discuss other plans or arrangements for the site at Scampton. Those who had registered to speak had been advised of the need to remain focused on the details of the application before the Committee, and should it become apparent that any speaker was diverting from the purpose of this meeting, they would be asked to return to the application in question. If any such comments continued to be made which were unrelated to the application, the person speaking would be requested to make way for the next registered speaker.

Likewise, all those involved in the meeting had been advised that it would not be acceptable for the name of Wing Commander Guy Gibson’s dog to be used. Should anyone present choose to name the dog, they would be requested to step down from speaking immediately.

The meeting this evening was taking place at the Epic Centre in order to ensure that the level of public interest could be accommodated. It was important that the Committee made a fully informed decision on this (and for that matter) any application put before it. It was indicated that should there be any kind of disturbance, within this venue or outside of it, that might detract from the Committee’s ability to perform its duties or interfered with the decision-making process, the meeting would be adjourned and members of the public asked to leave the hall.




Declarations of Interest

Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.


Additional documents:


Councillor Tom Smith referred to his employment by Sir Edward Leigh MP and the fact that he had family who had served at RAF Scampton.  However he had not discussed this matter in any way, shape or form with anybody and had come to this meeting with a completely open mind.


Councillor Ian Fleetwood referred to his past membership of the RAF Scampton Working Group in the previous Council but had come to this meeting with a completely open mind and would base his decision on the information presented this evening.


Councillor Sabastian Hague indicated that he had previously been a member of the RAF but that this would not in any way influence his decision which would be based on the information presented this evening.




Public Participation Scheme for this Meeting pdf icon PDF 192 KB

Setting out the varied scheme of Public Participation for this meeting only.

Additional documents:


The Chairman then introduced the next item, which was an amended public participation scheme, following his decision, that was in place for this meeting only.


With no comment, the amended Public Participation Scheme was NOTED.




Listed Building Consent Application for Determination - 146711, Hanger 2 RAF Scampton, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN1 2ST pdf icon PDF 700 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman invited the Planning Officer to introduce the report on application no. 146711 for Listed Building Consent to remove the railings, excavate and remove the grave marker and any zooarchaeological material for relocation.  This was the site of the grave of the late Wing Commander Guy Gibson’s pet dog.


The Chairman reminded the Committee that the public participation scheme had been extended for this meeting only, given the widespread public interest and advised that all those registered to speak had been informed about the process.


Hangar 2 had been the base of the then newly formed 617 Squadron, who led by the late Wing Commander, had undertaken the raids on the Ruhr dams in 1943 under the code name “Operation Chastise”, now commonly referred to as the “Dambusters’ Raid”.


The application had been brought before the Committee for determination having regard to the significant public interest expressed in this particular application.  The Planning Officer proceeded to report on the nature and extent of the application.  The Planning Officer indicated that two further objections had been received since the publication of the report – one from a Councillor and the other from a member of the public.  They had been made available on the Council’s web site.  Neither objection however raised anything new and did not affect the recommendation contained in the written report circulated to Members of the Committee.  The report summarised all of the objections received in relation to this application.  Members were also advised that references to Section 54 (a) of the Town and Country Planning Act should be  replaced by Section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.  The report set out a detailed history of the site and the historical importance of the site and the activities carried out from the base during the second world war.


It was considered by the Officers that the proposed removal and relocation of the grave site would lead to substantial harm, through its historic significance no longer being linked to Hangar 2 and the late Wing Commander Guy Gibson’s office.  Substantial harm would also be caused to the setting and significance of the principal listed buildings, - these being the Grade II Listed Hangars, and specifically Hangar 2 containing the late Wing Commander’s office, as well as causing harm to the heritage value of RAF Scampton as a whole.


The Chairman then invited the first of the public speakers to address the Committee, namely Parish Councillor Mr Tony Somerville of Scampton Parish Council who spoke along the following lines:-


“The applicant, on behalf of the MOD and the RAF, recently assured representatives of all levels of local council, at numerous community engagement meetings, that RAF Scampton’s unique and nationally important heritage would be preserved. This memorial and grave is an incredibly important part of our heritage, and it is essential that it remains at RAF Scampton to provide a focus for the future development of a Heritage Centre. To date, 5000 supporters have signed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.