Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Marshall's Yard, Gainsborough, DN21 2NA

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Public Participation Period

Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation.  Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each.

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There were no public speakers.


To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 370 KB

i)       Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 24 April 2024, previously circulated.

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 24 April 2024, be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.



Declarations of Interest

Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.


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Councillor Dobbie declared a personal interest in application 148059.


Update on Government/Local Changes in Planning Policy


Note – the status of Neighbourhood Plans in the District may be found via this link


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Members heard that the scope for agricultural buildings to be converted to residential development, without requiring planning permission (‘class Q’ developments) was expanded on 21 May 2024. This specified that agricultural buildings could now be converted up to 10 dwellings (previously 5) up to 1000sqm total and have a single storey rear extension (up to 4m). However, the Government has abandoned plans to allow this within protected areas such as the Lincolnshire Wolds AONB.



147639 - Land off Northumberland Avenue & Westmoreland Avenue, Scampton pdf icon PDF 420 KB

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The Chairman introduced application 147639, to erect 9 dwellings with access to be considered and reserved for subsequent applications, on the land off Northumberland Avenue and Westmoreland Avene, Scampton. The Planning Officer delivered his presentation and outlined the application for 9 dwellings and displayed the indicative location plan with the layout of housing and displayed photographs of the site.


The Chairman thanked the Planning Officer and advised the Committee there were three registered speakers.


Councillor Chris Bulteel, Scampton Parish Council, objected to the development on the site as the site would be uncoordinated with the existing housing stock, and the proposed site was a current green space for recreational activity. He emphasised the poor condition of the roads and explained there was insufficient infrastructure and access would be via unadopted roads to a single access support. He felt that the with the closure of RAF Scampton, there was enough housing supply with vacant military housing coming back into use. He concluded that the Parish Council would have more consideration for the development if the road infrastructure was in place and if there were local amenities in place for residents.


Jadie Jackson spoke on behalf of local residents and explained there had been 46 objections received from residents at RAF Scampton. There were objections due to concerns with congestion on the A15, the limited parking on the site and maintenance of the roads which were already in poor condition with potholes. It was felt that with the additional properties and construction traffic that the roads would fall into further disrepair. There were objections relating to the lack of local amenities, with the school and medical practice both oversubscribed, and 3 miles away from the site and inaccessible without a vehicle. There were concerns regarding drainage and the potential for flooding. Finally, there were objections on nature grounds as there were bats, badgers and red kites on the site and the development would destroy their habitat. 


Councillor Roger Patterson, ward member for Scampton, echoed points raised by the previous speakers and explained his reason for objecting was on the grounds that further housing was not required in Scampton. There were no proposals for management companies to be joined up and contribute to the maintenance of facilities or roads. It was difficult for residents to access medical facilities and other amenities and further pressure would be added with the 63 refurbished houses that were being brought back into use from the military.


The Case Officer responded to points raised by the speakers and explained in principle matters, Policy S4 stated that the development met the definition for suitable housing up to 10 dwellings. The grassland did not have any statutory designation for heritage and the development proposed 11% biodiversity net gain and an ecological survey had taken place and conditions would be in place for protected species. In terms of housing mix, the layout and design at the present was indicative and the developer would provide further detail at a later stage. The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 115a


148059 - 16 Silver Street, Gainsborough pdf icon PDF 225 KB

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The Committee considered the application seeking planning permission for the conversion of the three floors of 16 Silver Street into three flats. Members heard a presentation from the Case Officer and viewed the existing floorplans of the site.


Members praised the regeneration work and felt it was great to see buildings being brought back into use in the town centre. Members asked if there were any parking spaces with the application and it was confirmed by the Case Officer that there would be two parking spaces allocated.


On taking the vote, it was agreed that planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions set out in the Case Officer’s report.



Determination of Appeals pdf icon PDF 122 KB

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With no comments, questions or requirement for a vote, the determination of appeals was NOTED.