Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions
Contact: Ele Snow Senior Democratic and Civic Officer
No. | Item |
Public Participation Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman explained there were four registered speakers for the Public Participation, with three addressing the Committee in person and one having submitted a statement to be read on his behalf. The Chairman invited the first speaker, Mark Blackbourn, to address the Committee. He made the following statement and question.
“Question regarding claims that a high percentage of PRS houses in the SW ward are predicted to have a CAT 1 hazard - A serious or immediate risk to a person's health and safety that is related to housing. Most professional landlords would welcome effective, consistent, inclusive and fair regulation throughout the PRS sector which holds to account not only landlords, but local authorities and the tenants themselves to improve the quality of the housing stock and the communities we live in.
The SW ward has been the subject of a 5 year licensing scheme, paid for by landlords and it has generally not been seen, by landlords, tenants and some local Councillors, as the success that is being hailed by WLDC. There is much concern that inspections for compliance of HHSRS, for example, over that 5 year term were often inconsistent and incorrect. However, it is generally recognised that the standard of homes provided by PRS in SW ward is higher having been subject to yearly inspections and any hazards identified being dealt with, within a mandatory time period.
Many Landlords however, are concerned that some CAT1 hazards, which may have been counted in the justification report to re-new the scheme in the SW ward may in fact be ‘hazards’ that are measured against modern day standards and cannot be resolved in a 100 year old plus house. An example of this would be that several houses were identified as having a CAT1 hazard which was actually the measurement of the stair tread depth and width on the original stairs which cannot be changed. To mitigate any risk of falling, every property was or has been fitted with an appropriate hand rail but this would still remain a CAT1 hazard. It has been conceded by enforcement officers that this can’t be changed but can be managed. I am not aware of any accidents or injuries having being caused by the stair installations.
Justification to renew the Selective Licensing scheme in the SW ward relies heavily on data published in the report by Metastreet. It is acknowledged that 98% of the PRS landlords in the area complied with the scheme and some 2196 HHSRS compliance checks were carried out of 809 properties, yet it is predicted that 792 CAT1 hazards still exist in these previously licensed properties.
Could we please see a full breakdown of what these CAT1 hazards are ‘likely’ to be and why is it such a high number, an average of one CAT1 hazard per licensed property, after a ‘successful’ scheme implemented over the last 5 years?”
The Chairman thanked Mr Blackbourn and invited the second speaker, Emma Bailey, to address the Committee. Ms ... view the full minutes text for item 66. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To confirm and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Prosperous Communities Committee held on Tuesday, 25 January 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Prosperous Communities Committee held on 25 January, 2022 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Members' Declarations of Interest Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations made at this point in the meeting. |
Matters Arising Schedule Setting out current position of previously agreed actions as at 7 March 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: With no comments or questions, the contents of the Matters Arising schedule were duly NOTED. |
West Lindsey Housing Strategy refresh Additional documents:
Minutes: Members heard from the Assistant Director Homes and Communities regarding the updated West Lindsey Housing Strategy 2022-2024 and seeking approval to extend the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy. It was explained that the West Lindsey Housing Strategy 2018-2022 had the vision “Everyone has access to good quality housing which meets their housing need and aspiration, in a pleasing environment which enables a healthy lifestyle”. To achieve the vision, three key strategic themes were identified:
· Driving Housing Growth to meet housing need · Improving homes and transforming places · A partnership approach to support choice, wellbeing and independence
The current West Lindsey Housing Strategy was due to expire in 2022. A review of this strategy began in mid-2021 which determined that even though there had been a significant amount of work undertaken to meet the aspirations of the strategy, the key themes were still as relevant today as they were back in 2018 when they were adopted. This led to a process which looked to refresh the existing strategy and extend out a further two years to allow for more work to be undertaken to realise the vision. A new West Lindsey Corporate Plan would be delivered in 2023. This approach would enable the Housing Strategy to contribute to delivery of a new corporate plan.
It was explained that new sections of the strategy were introduced to acknowledge the changes that had occurred over the past 4 years and to understand what challenges and opportunities those changes brought. The following sections had been added to the strategy:
· Levelling up · Covid-19 · Climate change · Selective Licensing
The current Lincolnshire Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy approved by Prosperous Communities Committee in November 2017, covered the period up to the end of 2021. The strategy had an action plan to underpin the priorities and had been led by the Homelessness Lead Officers of the seven Local Authorities across Lincolnshire. The authorities had recently contributed to a joint Strategic Lead post, hosted by North Kesteven District Council, as a dedicated resource to lead and coordinate the delivery of this associated strategy.
Members heard that the strategy was due to be reviewed in 2021, however Covid-19 presented many challenges and workstreams were re-prioritised. The focus on ensuring the ‘Everyone In’ campaign and vulnerable people were able to access accommodation and advice throughout the pandemic was prioritised. The recruitment process to the aforementioned new post had also created further delays. A review of the existing strategy would take place to update on progress on previous highlighted priorities and shape workstreams to fit within pandemic recovery plans, and would be undertaken by the seven local authorities in Lincolnshire.
The purpose of the review was to:
· establish the current level of homelessness across the county, · project its likely growth (or decline) in future years, · identify what was currently being done and by whom, · identify the level of resource available to prevent and tackle homelessness in the future · identify gaps and what needed to be done to ensure a robust and sustainable response ... view the full minutes text for item 70. |
Lincolnshire Preventing Domestic Abuse Strategy Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report presented by the Assistant Director Homes and Communities, introducing the duties required as a result of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and the Lincolnshire Preventing Domestic Abuse Strategy. It was explained that the governance around the domestic abuse agenda in Lincolnshire had been reviewed in response to the Domestic Abuse Bill and a partnership consultation that took place in 2020. As a result of this, and following the enactment of the Domestic Abuse Act in April 2021, Lincolnshire had developed a Domestic Abuse partnership that sat alongside the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership, the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children's Partnership and the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board, putting Domestic Abuse at the core of the safeguarding agenda and ensuring it received the focus and dedication it required. The partnership was made up of multi-agency representatives, including Lincolnshire Police, NHS services, County Council services, district councils, amongst others.
The strategy was published in January 2022 in line with Lincolnshire County Council’s new statutory responsibilities under the new Act and set out the shared ambition and key priorities for the Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse partnership in tackling domestic abuse and outlined the key areas of action over the coming three years.
Members heard that a delivery plan would be developed in collaboration with the partnership with the aim of addressing the ambitions set out within the strategy. As a partnership it was felt that the strategy should set out the overall ambitions, principles and objectives in tackling domestic abuse, with the delivery plan setting out how to achieve this, ensuring a level of fluidity was built into the process in order to respond to a changing landscape. The strategy and subsequent delivery plan and commissioning plans would address the needs of all victim groups. The Committee was asked to agree the priorities within the strategy, in line with supporting the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
There was widespread support for the purpose and role of the strategy, as well as recognising the need for an holistic approach, to include work with perpetrators of abuse and appreciate the external influences that may have an impact when supporting victims of abuse.
Having been moved and seconded it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the priorities set out within the Lincolnshire Preventing Domestic Abuse Strategy 2021-2024, which contribute to fulfilling the statutory duties placed on the council to support the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, be agreed.
Proposals for Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee heard from the Senior Democratic and Civic Officer with a report outlining the proposals for commemorating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and seeking additional funding for the Platinum Jubilee Community Fund. Members heard details of several initiatvies, such as the Platinum Pudding, Song for the Commonwealth and The Queen’s Green Canopy. It was explained that schools across the district had been approached to be involved in such schemes, with photos and videos of events to be shared across social media as a ‘Jubilee montage’. In addition to working with local councils and community groups, it was explained that the Platinum Jubilee Community Fund had received a greater level of interest than anticipated and as such, it was suggested that an additional £20,000 be allocated to the fund. Any allocated funds not awarded by the Platinum Jubilee Community Fund would be returned to the main Community Grants Programme budget.
Vice Chairman J. McNeill, as Chairman of the Platinum Jubilee Working Group, highlighted the community nature of events taking place around the district and brought the Committee’s attention to the ’70 Acts of Service’ detailed within the report. This was a way for individuals to be involved in the commemorations on a more personal level, honouring the Queen as the Head of the Church of England, as well as helping in their local communities and bringing people together with a common cause. The website and suggested list of actions was included in the report.
With further expressions of support from Members of the Committee, and having been moved and seconded, it was unanimously
a) the proposals for engaging with, and publicising of, district-wide celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, be received; and
b) a further use of £20k of the Communities Grant Fund, to deliver the West Lindsey Platinum Jubilee Community Fund, be approved under delegated powers. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the work plan for upcoming meetings. A Member of the Committee enquired as to whether his suggestion at Full Council on 7 March, in relation to an options paper for Selective Licensing, had been carried forward. The Chairman assured Members that Officers were aware of the suggestion as a potential way forward.
With no further comments, questions, or requirement for a vote, the Work Plan was DULY NOTED.
Exclusion of Public and Press To resolve that under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Note: The meeting entered closed session at 7.59pm
Hemswell Cliff Managed Estates Contract Renewal Minutes: Members heard from the Senior Community Action Officer, with a report to provide an update on progress with the normalisation and stabilisation strategy at Hemswell Cliff and to seek approval to offer a further five year Managed Estate contract to Hemswell Resident Company.
The history of the site was reiterated for Members, as well as the inception of the Managed Estate Contract and progress achieved in the area to date. It was explained that the report recommended that the Council continued to support Hemswell Residents Company through the next five-year period, which would be particularly aligned with, and supportive of, the realisation of regeneration and growth investment opportunities.
Members of the Committee commended the Officer for her work in the area, as well as recognising the work of the residents and local community, pulling together to make such notable improvements. It was noted that the planned fourth tier government review had been postponed, however, it would provide an opportunity for residents to have a say on how boundaries should be realised, whether they wished to be a sole parish or joint with Hemswell.
With further comments of support, and having been moved and seconded, it was unanimously
a) the proposal to offer a five-year contract to Hemswell Residents Company in respect of Estate Management Services for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028 be supported and recommended to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee that approval be given; and
b) oversight of the contract renewal procedure, including any minor housekeeping changes, be delegated to the Assistant Director of Homes and Communities, in consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee and the Chairman of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.