Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions
Contact: Ele Snow Senior Democratic and Civic Officer
No. | Item |
Public Participation Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Mr Chris Thomas to the meeting and invited him to address the Committee. Mr Thomas had previously provided a powerpoint with slides to be shown during his address to the meeting.
Mr Thomas explained he was representing over 100 residents from the Welton and Dunholme Ward who had objected to a planning application for the area. He noted the later item on the agenda regarding the council’s response to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (CLLP) consultation and asked that consideration be given to protecting the nature of villages, particularly Welton, which was forecast to see a 50% increase in growth. Mr Thomas highlighted to Members several areas of the review of the CLLP which had been quoted in the current planning application, although the current version of the CLLP should have taken precedence. He made reference to several specific areas of the proposed development, such as access, sustainability, transport and the amendments to the number of proposed dwellings. In providing arguments against the development, Mr Thomas called for the site to be removed from the CLLP, with the review seen as an opportunity to do that. Through the course of his speech to the Committee, Mr Thomas noted that the Parish Council, Ward Councillors and the local health centre had submitted objections to the proposed development and he asked that Members give consideration to the site when discussing the review of the CLLP later in the meeting.
The Chairman thanked Mr Thomas for his time, well thought out speech and accompanying slides.
The Chairman noted there were no other participants registered however there had been a letter addressed to Committee Members, in relation to the Selective Licensing Scheme, to which a reply would be sent in due course. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 341 KB To confirm and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Prosperous Communities Committee held on Tuesday 15 March, 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Prosperous Communities Committee held on 15 March, 2022 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
A Member of the Committee enquired as to who had been responsible for the responses to the public participation period at the meeting on 15 March and whether there would be further discussion regarding the points raised. He suggested the responses did not sufficiently answer the questions posed to the Committee. The Chairman noted the comments and explained that, as they did not relate to the accuracy or otherwise of the minutes, which had already been determined, the meeting would continue to the next item.
Matters Arising Schedule PDF 158 KB Setting out current position of previously agreed actions as at 22 April 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: With no comments or questions, the contents of the Matters Arising schedule were duly NOTED. |
Members' Declarations of Interest Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations made at this point in the meeting. |
Public Space CCTV Report 2021 PDF 348 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee heard from the Enterprising Communities Manager regarding the Public Space CCTV report for 2021. He explained that the report provided an overview of CCTV activity during 2021 with no personal or sensitive information included. The publication of the Public Space CCTV Report 2021 helped to demonstrate the use and impact of public space CCTV on preventing and detecting crime. Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 detailed how local authorities have a duty to consider the impact of their functions and decision on crime and disorder in their area. The Committee heard that the provision of a public space CCTV service was a direct action the Council took to pro-actively prevent and detect crime.
The Chairman thanked all those involved with the management and monitoring of the CCTV service and invited comments from Members. There was a question regarding the use of solar powered CCTV cameras, with Members hearing that this technology was still experimental however there would be opportunities to explore its use as systems developed.
There was discussion regarding the use of facial recognition technology and whether the cameras were used to target, for example, issues with dog fouling. It was explained that facial recognition was not used and public space CCTV had not been actively used to address issues with dog fouling, however if there was an identified hot spot, CCTV could be used for targeted monitoring.
Note: Councillor R. Patterson arrived at 6.51pm
A Member of the Committee enquired as to whether the use of CCTV had been instrumental in identifying offenders and whether the Shopwatch scheme was still operational. It was explained that footage had been used and assisted with identifying perpetrators of crimes, although often cases could not be publicised due to sensitive information. It was also highlighted that there had been a relaunch of the Shopwatch scheme with eight new stores joining, and there would be further promotion and encouragement for other businesses to be involved.
There was further discussion regarding the rate of shoplifting and the importance of prevention in the first instance. Members thanked the Officer for the report and the detailed information provided.
With no further comments or questions, and having been moved and seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Public Space CCTV Report 2021 be acknowledged and its publication be approved.
Environment and Sustainability Strategy Progress Report PDF 504 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Members gave consideration to a report from the Policy & Strategy Officer – Environment & Sustainability, providing an update on the Climate, Environment and Sustainability Programme and delivery arrangements. He explained that Members were asked to note the progress in establishing the programme management approach and improved communication efforts, as recognised by a recent audit, and the overall progress since the strategy was adopted at Council on 28 June 2021. Members were reminded of the scale of the challenge ahead in reaching netzero C02 emissions, and as such, were asked to endorse a new decision making tool that would begin to ensure that climate, environment and sustainability considerations were properly considered and reflected in policies and projects across the council and in reports presented to Committees.
Vice Chairman Councillor T. Coulson thanked the Officer for his hard work and, as Chairman of the working group, proposed the recommendations in the report. A Member of the Committee enquired whether the ‘sustainable homes’ grant funding was the same or separate to the ‘green homes’ funding, to which it was confirmed that they were separate streams of grant funding.
There was discussion regarding provision for properties that were off the main gas-grid, with specific concern raised regarding the cost increases and carbon impact of oil-heated homes. Alternatives were recognised to be expensive with the government’s preferred approach being to better insulate properties. It was explained that part of the work undertaken was to advocate and campaign to ensure rural fuel poverty was appropriately accounted for.
The Committee heard that, in relation to making the council carbon neutral, there were alternatives that would be explored and introduced incrementally, such as moving to electric vehicles for the smaller fleet vehicles, the use of biodiesel for the large vehicles, and electric powered bin-lifts were already in use on the refuse collecting vehicles.
With widespread support for the approaches detailed in the report, and having been moved and seconded, it was unanimously
a) the proposed approach to reporting on Climate, Environment and Sustainability action plan annually in September, and associated reporting and governance mechanisms be approved; and
b) the trial of a ‘climate, environment and sustainability impact assessment (CESIA) tool’ to be applied to all reports from June 2022, to be reviewed in December 2022, in line with Paragraph 3.8 of the report; and
c) the updated Membership for the Climate, Environment and Sustainability Working Group be approved as per paragraph 4.14 of the report, to include Cllr M. Boles and Cllr J. Summers; and
d) delegated authority be granted to the Head of Policy Strategy in consultation with the Chairs of the Prosperous Communities and Corporate Policy and Resources Committees to undertake housekeeping amendments to the Strategy document, Action Plan and CESIA tool. |
Public Health Funerals Policy PDF 153 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members heard from the Housing and Enforcement Manager regarding a report that sought to provide the Committee with information relating to Public Health Funerals and seeking approval on the proposed policy for this work area. It was explained that under section 46(1) of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 it was the duty of a local authority to cause to be buried or cremated the body of any person who had died or been found dead in their area, in any case where it appeared to the authority that no suitable arrangements for the disposal of the body had been or were being made otherwise than by the authority. This function was delivered by Officers within the licensing work area and any costs recovered contributed to reducing the overall costs incurred by carrying out the work. Since 2000, there had been 66 Public Health Funerals carried out by the Council, which equated to an average of three per year. The Council had not previously had a policy to set out its position in regards to this function and the report sought approval to implement a policy to influence future decisions made by the Council and its delegated officers.
Members of the Committee thanked the Officer for the report and extended thanks to those Officers who undertook the related work when the need arose. There was discussion regarding the wording in the policy to differentiate between monetary value and personal, or non-monetary, value and it was agreed that these terms would be consistent throughout the policy. Members were supportive of the introduction of the policy and, having been moved and seconded, it was
a) the proposed Public Health Funerals Policy be approved; and
b) any future minor policy amendments be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chairman of Prosperous Communities Committee.
Regulation 19 - Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Consultation Response PDF 349 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Policy & Strategy addressed Members in relation to a report seeking to agree the formal response by West Lindsey District Council to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review Consultation. Members were advised that this was the last consultation on the Local Plan review before the final draft would be submitted for public, independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State. The Chair and Vice Chairs of Prosperous Communities Committee; Cllr. Bierley, Cllr. J McNeill and Cllr. T Coulson were invited to a briefing in April, during which, an overview of the Proposed Submission Draft Local Plan was provided including highlighting areas where previous comments had been made by Members and what changes had been made as a result.
A consultation response had been drafted as a result of this briefing and observations made by Officers on behalf of West Lindsey District Council, which considered the strategic aims of the Local Plan and policies against those strategic aims of the Council as an organisation. This response was being presented to the Committee to agree and endorse for submission.
It was highlighted to Members that whilst West Lindsey District Council would submit a single formal response, all interested parties, including Councillors and Parish and Town Councils were able to submit their own consultation responses throughout the duration of the consultation period and also register a wish to speak at the Examination in Public hearing.
Note: Councillor J. Oliver left the Chamber at 7.1pm and returned at 7.35pm
There was significant discussion amongst Members of the Committee, specifically regarding issues such as the need to protect farm land, the future of RAF Scampton, provision of affordable housing and the threat to rural life through the overdevelopment of rural villages. Details of the concerns raised were recorded by Officers with the agreement that comments made would be incorporated into the consultation response.
Note: Councillor M. Devine left the Chamber at 8.02pm and returned at 8.05pm
Through the course of discussions, Members enquired as to the proposals for extensive solar farms in the district as well as proposed further development in Welton. It was reiterated that all interested parties could submit their own responses, with the consultation closing at 11.59pm on Monday 9 May.
The Chairman thanked all for their comments and involvement with the debate and read aloud the recommendations as published in the report. Having been moved and seconded, and with a majority vote, it was
a) the proposed consultation submission in relation to the Reg.19 Public Participation stage as identified within the indicative timetable contained with the Local Development scheme (September 2020) be agreed and endorsed; and
b) authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning and Regeneration (in consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee) to submit the final version of West Lindsey District Council’s formal response to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Reg. 19 Draft Local Plan Consultation incorporating any additional comments expressed and agreed throughout ... view the full minutes text for item 83. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report from the Homes, Health and Wellbeing Team Manager, providing an update on First Homes, setting out the Early Delivery Programme for First Homes in West Lindsey and seeking to adopt the West Lindsey position on this new government initiative. Members heard that the First Homes Guidance had been prepared alongside, and met, the national guidance prepared by Homes England. The proposed guidance document did not fall outside of the parameters of the First Homes Scheme. All First Homes required a Section 106 agreement to secure the necessary restrictions on the use and sale of the properties, and a legal restriction on the title of the properties to ensure that these restrictions were applied to the properties at each future sale, guaranteeing perpetuity.
It was explained that the government First Homes scheme was introduced on 28 June 2021 via Ministerial statement. This made substantial changes to planning policy to provide discounted homes to first time buyers in England who otherwise would not be able to afford to purchase their first home. The national guidance allowed for Local Authorities to place local parameters on some of the criteria set out in the guidance. Any local parameters must be evidence based and be adopted and published for developers and purchasers to access.
The Committee heard that Central Lincolnshire Authorities had come together to determine some of those local parameters and ensure they were, where possible, aligned across the Housing Market Area. A guidance document had therefore been drafted which set out West Lindsey’s local parameters against the national position. Alongside this, Homes England had allocated 30 properties in West Lindsey to be delivered under the First Homes Early Delivery Programme.
Note: Councillor C. Darcel left the Chamber at 8.21pm and returned at 8.23pm.
Members were keen to understand why the policy of prioritising key workers had not been included in the document, particularly at a time where the importance of key workers had been so keenly felt on a national basis. It was explained that the definition of a key worker had changed significantly through the course of the pandemic and in discussing the inclusion of that element, it was considered important that the parameters for being eligible were not too narrow. It was also highlighted that there would be a certain level of assessing need and demand under the scheme and the requirements could be reviewed where necessary. Officers agreed to consider the definition of a key worker to help ensure those who would benefit would not be excluded.
With thanks given to the Officer and teams involved, and having been moved and seconded, it was
a) the West Lindsey First Homes position set out within the Guidance be agreed; and
b) the West Lindsey First Homes Guidance be adopted. |
Selective Licensing - Follow Up on Council Motion PDF 338 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Members gave consideration to a report from the Housing and Enforcement Manager providing feedback on the outcome of the selective licensing consultation and seeking clarity on the next steps following on from the approved motion at Full Council on 7 March 2022. It was noted that additional information had been circulated, with this document to be appended to the minutes.
Members heard that a meeting had taken place on 27 April 2022 with those Members who had brought the motion to Council and it had been a positive, productive meeting, with a consensus reached regarding further work to be undertaken. It was agreed that this was a positive step and it was right for a further report to be brought to the Committee in July, however, a Member of the Committee proposed amending the wording of the recommendation to read:
“a progress report be brought back to Prosperous Communities Committee on 19 July 2022”
On being seconded and voted upon, it was
RESOLVED that the wording of the third published recommendation re amended.
Members of the Committee referenced the suggestion to convene a working group of Members to work alongside Officers in the development of the Selective Licensing work and in order to formalise this suggestion, it was proposed that an additional recommendation be added to the two published recommendations and the now amended recommendation three. This was proposed to read:
“the committee agrees to establishing a working group of Members to support officers in developing the way forward; the members of the working group to include Cllrs Young, Bunney, Regis and Howitt-Cowan if wished, to be chaired by Cllr Coulson, with changes to be agreed with the Assistant Director - Change Management & Regulatory Services and Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee.”
This proposal was subsequently seconded and, on taking the vote, it was
RESOLVED that the additional recommendation be added to those published in the report and the amended recommendation three.
Note: Councillor J. Oliver left the Chamber at 8.56pm and returned at 8.59pm
The Assistant Director - Change Management & Regulatory Services provided Members with a summary of the discussions as well as confirming that the notes of the meeting on 27 April 2022 would be circulated. With no further comments or discussion, the Chairman read aloud the recommendations to be voted upon. On being moved and seconded, it was unanimously
a) the outcome of the consultation period at the time of the halt of the Selective Licensing consultation on 7 March 2022, and the associated report, be noted; and
b) the questions set out in section 3.4 of the report, relating to the Full Council motion passed on 7 March 2022, be considered and clarity and direction be provided for Officers to enable them to take the next steps in line with the motion; and
c) a progress report be brought back to Prosperous Communities Committee on 19 July 2022; and
d) the Committee agrees to establishing a working group of Members to support Officers in ... view the full minutes text for item 85. |
Additional documents: Minutes: With no comments, questions, or requirement for a vote, the Work Plan was DULY NOTED. |