Agenda and minutes

Venue: via MS Teams

Note: Subject to call-in. Call-in will expire on August 5 at 5pm 


No. Item


Register of Attendance

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting before moving to the register of attendance.


Members' Declarations of Interests

Members may make any declarations at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.

Additional documents:


Note: Councillor Bob Waller and Anne Welburn joined the meeting at this point in proceedings.


Cllr David Cotton asked whether there would be a conflict of interest for any future planning applications for those Members who also sat on the Planning Committee.  The Monitoring Officer confirmed that he did not envisage a conflict of interest arising due to this report.


Cllr Trevor Young informed the committee that he had worked with the company involved in the report during the course of his previous job – however this did not preclude him from speaking or voting on this item.


Procedure pdf icon PDF 188 KB

Additional documents:


The concurrent meeting procedure was noted.


Exclusion of Public and Press

To resolve that under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Viable Housing Solution


Members considered a report on a proposal with P3 as the preferred option to deliver a Viable Housing Solution in Gainsborough, with the associated proposed funding strategy.


The Housing Strategy and Supply Manager introduced the report and outlined the key points:


·         There was a need for intervention alongside a thorough understanding of the housing need in Gainsborough;

·         It was deemed necessary to intervene and disrupt the housing market.  The proposed scheme would enable to access the support required to enhance education, training and life skills;

·         The scheme should lead to improved tenant behaviour due to the increase in neighbourhood management;

·         The scheme helped to satisfy ambitions to improve the housing stock in Gainsborough and to achieve growth ambitions for the town.


Members commented on the paper and asked questions of officers.  Further information was provided:


·         The scheme enables people to realise their potential and contribute to the economy;

·         Open, green spaces with a community feel were desirable; this was an ambition over the longer term with the potential to remove 1-2 properties to expand on the green spaces;

·         There were very few providers of this calibre. The scheme itself had a lot of merit; however it would not be a solution to all of the problems in the South-West ward itself, as some of the area in question lends itself to large scale recovery;

·         The provider had assured West Lindsey District Council that they will be licensing properties under the selective licensing scheme and this will be included in the Grant Funding Agreement;

·         Properties will be transferred to the provider as they currently stand.  Only 5 properties were currently let under the ‘intensive support’ concept.  Part of the agreement with the proposed provider would be guidance on how the properties should be managed;

·         There was evidence of need for this scheme in Gainsborough; however that was not to say that the scheme couldn’t be rolled out to other parts of the District if the evidence presented itself;

·         Lessons could be learned from the work done in Hemswell Cliff;

·         The ‘Communities at  risk’ policy would highlight issues if and when they increased;

·         Support will be in place for tenants.  As the provider tackled refurbishment projects, they can teach tenants skills, such as basic home maintenance;


As the recommendations required approval from both Prosperous Communities and Corporate Policy and Resources Committees, votes by way of an alphabetical roll call were taken separately, with Prosperous Communities being first, following the resolutions being moved and seconded by both Committees.  The resolutions were taken en bloc (by each committee in turn):


Following an alphabetical roll call, with a total of 13 votes cast in favour and 0 against it was RESOLVED by Prosperous Communities Committee to:

·         Agree that the proposal with the Charity ‘P3’ is the preferred option to deliver a Viable Housing Solution for Gainsborough to meet the objectives agreed by the Committee on 22/10/2019; therefore the report is recommended to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.


Prior to the vote by Corporate Policy and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.